Winterberry Plant
Category: Shrubs
Facts about Winterberry Shrub. "Scientific name for Winterberry plant is Ilex verticillata". Being a deciduous plant, Winterberry is a slow growing plant with an upright-rounded shape. They grow naturally in the wild where they form large colonies or thickets but they can always be trimmed and pruned to form a small tree. The Winterberry bush are featured by slightly dull flowers during the spring and red berries in late summer. The berries are conspicuous and persist through the winter. The Winterberry bush are great when used to add color during winter.
Attributes of the Winterberry plant
Winterberry normally produces bountiful amounts of bright red berries, which are enjoyed from fall to winter. The berries can be cut for used in floral arrangements because Winterberry bush have superior fruit set and retention. To foster pollination, male and female plants should be planted alongside each other. The Winterberry plant loses its leaves during fall accentuating the beautiful sensation brought by the brightly colored red berries. They have inconspicuous small white flowers with female and male flowers found in different plants. Due to its genetic diversity, Winterberry Shrubs can be as short as 3 feet (.91 meters) tall and can be as high as 15 feet (4.57 meters) tall. It can spread up to 9 feet (2.74 meters). The Winterberry Shrub form a dense and spreading thicket in wet soils. In drier garden soils, the suckers form a tight clump. The Winterberry plant isn’t attractive during its blooming time though its red berries are very attractive in winter.
Conditions for Growth of the Winterberry plant
They are generally adaptable to wet soils but they grow optimally in heavy and light soils. In fact, the Winterberry is native to boggy and swampy areas. Nonetheless, they can still grow well in the average garden soil. The Winterberry plant require full sun in order to promote copious production of berries. In deeply shaded areas, they may become leggy leading to production of fewer fruits. They need rich, moist and slightly acidic soils.
Care and Maintenance of the Winterberry plant
Winterberry plants should be pruned regularly to control its growth. They should be fertilized occasionally for optimal berry production. They also need to be watered regularly and mulching.