White Rhododendron Shrub
Category: Shrubs
Facts about White Rhododendron plant. Rhododendron name comes from the greek words "dendron" which means "tree" and "rodon" which means "rose" and that's where Rose tree name comes from. Rhododendrons and azaleas shrub is a flowering plant that belongs to the genus of the Ericaceae family.
The White Rhododendron is an evergreen shrub primarily placed in gardens due to its beauty. The species creates mostly white funnel shaped flowers. Pure white Rhododendron blooms are rare. White Rhododendron flowers usually have a tint of another color like purple, red or pink. Other white varieties have a white flower with a blotch of another color, like a stripe of red, a blotch of yellow or a black dot. For example, the Cunningham White breed has white flowers with a yellow splotch in the middle of each bloom. All varieties of the White Rhododendron shrub have dark green leaves. Regardless of color, these blooms don’t have much of a scent.
The species blooms in spring, usually in April or May. The common name and species name for White Rhododendron plant is the word rhododendron followed by the variety name, such as the Rhododendron Cunningham White for the Cunningham white rhododendron breed.
The White Rhododendron plant grows best in USDA hardiness zones five through eight. It needs to be protected from harsh winter winds. Leaves will scorch in the hot summer sun in the southern end of its range. Lack of soil drainage causes root rot. If your area has clay soils, you may need to use raised beds to grow the white rhododendron. Conversely, letting the root dry out can kill the White Rhododendron shrub. This species tolerates rabbits. The White Rhododendron shrub are susceptible to mites, nematodes, lacebugs, borers, aphids, thrips and whitefly. They can suffer from crown rot, cankers, leaf spot and powdery mildew.
The Delaware Valley White Rhododendron shrub can grow in acidic soils if it has a lot of humus and moisture. Other white rhododendron varieties need partially acidic soils. All varieties need regular watering, especially in the summer. The White Rhododendron shrub need partial sun, though some varieties do equally well in full sun. The rhododendron is a slow to moderate grower, with most varieties reaching four feet in height and width. The White Rhododendron shrub is safe as a foundation planting.