White-Footed Saki Monkey
Category: Monkeys
Facts about White-footed saki monkey. "Scientific name for White-footed saki monkey is Pithecia albicans". White-footed saki monkey belong to the family of pitheciidae, subfamily pitheciinae and native to Brazil. Though they are found in Brazil, they only inhabit a small region. In fact they share the region with White-footed saki monkey and somehow they are confused to be the same.
But once you look at both the species closely, you will realize that the White-footed saki monkey have very unique features in the sense that their feet are white in color and the females resemble the males unlike the white-faced monkeys.
The White-footed saki monkey general body color is black with bush hairs on their cheeks. The face is bare and their tails are full of fur. Their hind legs are very strong since they use them most of the time. in adulthood, the White-footed saki monkey are believed to be around 6.17 lbs (2.80 kg) in weight.
Just like other Sakis, White-footed saki monkey are territorial. They always defend their territory making it safe. They live in a family which consist of parents, offspring and mating pair. The bond that is formed by the mating pair is a lifetime one.
The White-footed saki monkey communicate vocally. Different vocals have a kind of communication. For example if there is a loud roar, this serves as a warning. But shrill cries are just a sign of bonding with other members of the family.
When it comes to mating, the White-footed saki monkey don’t have a specific season. Any time of the year is ideal. Gestation period lasts for around 150 - 180 days.
The female White-footed saki monkey give birth to just one offspring. The young one sucks for the first three months and later it is weaned at four months. It reaches maturity at the age of three.
White-footed saki monkey are diurnal which means they are active during the day resting at night. The White-footed saki monkey can spend nearly most of their days on the tree without stepping down on the ground. They are known to jump in very long distances from one tree to another. At times White-footed saki monkey are seen standing on the branches using their hind legs.
Their preferred habitats are the rain-forest canopy that has many trees which also enables them to get their main source of food. So in general the White-footed saki monkey live on trees. At night they roll on top of the tree in a cat like style and sleep.
White-footed saki monkey are cautious when it comes to their diet. Surprisingly they are considered to be frugivore because 90 percent of their food is gotten from fruits. The White-footed saki monkey eat unripe fruits and their seeds supplementing that with insects, lizards, bird’s eggs, spiders, leaves, ripened fruits and many other vegetables. These makes the species to stay healthy all seasons because when there is drought they will still get something to eat. In fact they are the only primate in the wild with such a nutrition preference.
Generally the White-footed saki monkey are shy animals that don’t like confrontation. They are very cautious and don’t like trouble. Their lifespan is believed to be around 30 years.
The White-footed saki monkey is not in danger of being wiped out according to researches.