What is Craft Services
Category: Movie Job Descriptions
Craft Services (Crafty) is a position hired by the production company, for someone to provide drink and snacks during filming.
They should not be confused with catering which only serves scheduled hot meals.
The position various in Los Angeles, it is considered a Union job, and also entails laying down board throughout the location and also cleaning when filming is done.
In New York it is Non-Union, and the craft service person only handles drinks and snacks.
The main position consists of being the first person to arrive on set, and, in some cases, the last one to leave. Your table will be the central hub of the production so they must be very friendly with everyone on set. A smile and a friendly demeanor go a long, long, way with this position. If someone has a request, try to see if you can accommodate him or her.
Also some things an excellent Crafty should have is aspirin, first aid kit, sunscreen, and other small incidentals
The Craft Person job does not just pertain to the on-set hours, shopping and resupplying of snacks should be done either before the day begins or after the day ends.
Also the best "Crafty" separate different snacks during the day, this way when a cast or crew member walks by, during the day, they should see different snacks at different times.
There are times when multiple table are needed to be set up, usually when extras are working a separate table is put in the extras holding area. But the main cast and crew craft service area is priority.
The best “Crafty’s†will always be working and be recommended to other productions.