Vinca Flower Plant
Category: Perennials

Facts about Vinca Flower (Plant), "Scientific name for Vinca Catheranthus roseus". Vinca Flower (Plant) which is also known as the Periwinkle is a plant that is a prolific drought and heat tolerant, it is perfect for the hot and dry areas. Vinca Flower (Plant) is a genus that constitutes at least six species that belongs to the family Apocynaceae and is native to the northwest of Africa, Europe and the southwest Asia. In India Vinca Flower (Plant) is commonly known as sadaphuli which means "always flowering".
Description of Vinca Flower (Plant)
Vinca Flower (Plant) are herbaceous plants or sub shrubs that have slender trailing stems about 1 – 2 m long but it doesn’t grow 9 to 27 1/2 inches 20 – 70 cm above the ground. The Vinca Flower (Plant) leaves are opposite; they are simple and broad to ovate in shape.
Vinca plants produce flowers all through the year, the flowers are salverform with violet petals that are joined together at its base to eventually form a tube. Vinca Flower (Plant) fruit consists of two divergent follicles; it is dry and descent along one rupture site so as to release the seeds.
Medicinal Use of Vinca of Vinca Flower (Plant)
Vinca Flower (Plant) has been used for a long time for medicinal purposes. The application includes the treatment of;
High blood pressure, diabetes, sore throats, coughs and colds, it has also been used in treatment of lung and eye infections.
How to grow a Vinca Flower (Plant)
The Vinca Flower (Plant) can grow in ranges of light conditions, from shade of partial of shades to full sun. they do pretty well in average soil. Vinca Flower (Plant) should be spaced 12 – 15 inches (30.5 to 38 cm) apart. The Vinca Flower (Plant) should be watered well during plantation. Once the roots have developed you can water occasionally during the extended drought periods. Fertilizer can be added twice in a season. You can also mulch if in dry areas as it will help retain moisture in the soil.
Insect and Disease of Vinca Flower (Plant)
Vinca Flower (Plant) as a species are rarely bothered by diseases or insects, though the fungus problems might occur occasionally during the wet or humid weather. In-case the disease or insect problem occur you can treat with fungicide and insect repellents.