Viburnum Arrowwood Plant
Category: Shrubs
Facts about Viburnum Arrowwood shrub. "Scientific name for Viburnum Arrowwood is classified as Viburnum dentatum. It is a deciduous shrub meaning it sheds leaves at certain times of the year. It is commonly found on the eastern side of North America. The Viburnum Arrowwood shrub can be grown comfortably in hardiness zones 2 to 8.
Characteristics of Viburnum Arrowwood shrub
Viburnum Arrowwood shrub bears flowers in the month of spring. However, their best season is autumn. In this period, they bear both the foliage which is very attractive and berries that are bluish in color. The berries are usually found in clusters. The Viburnum Arrowwood shrubs grow to a height of between 6 and 15 feet with a spread that has similar dimensions.
If you wish to control the spread of the Viburnum Arrowwood, you need to remove the suckers. This will retain them in a specific locality. Pruning is also recommended if you do not want them to grow past a given height. The pruning can be done once per year.
Growth Requirement of Viburnum Arrowwood shrub
Viburnum Arrowwood shrubs are very versatile. They tolerate a wide range of soil types including acidic and wet soils. These bushes grow well under different sunlight intensities. This is a plus for homeowners whose homes are in areas without bright sunshine. Areas with partial shades can also support the growth of these shrubs.
Uses of Viburnum Arrowwood shrub
Due to their tolerance of wet soils, the Viburnum Arrowwood shrub can be a perfect choice for areas in the yard that cannot support other plants due to their wetness. This partially explains why these shrubs are popular in woodland gardens. They are great for aesthetics because of their attractiveness in both fall and spring.
This Viburnum Arrowwood shrub is known for attracting butterflies of every kind. This in turn makes birds to frequent the yard because of these butterflies. The berries of this shrub also attract birds as they enjoy feasting on them.