Turopolje Pig
Category: Pig
Facts about Turopolje Pig. Turopolje is a breed of pig that is native to Turopolje, a part of Posavina in Croatia, an autonomous state at the crossroads of Southeast Europe, Central Europe, and the Mediterranean. The Turopolje Pig breed is named after its place of origin and it is a distinctive-appearing pig. The Turopolje Pig breed is extremely rare, and it is likely approaching extinction. The Turopolje Pig breed is one among the oldest breeds among the pig breeds of Europe, although it may have possessed blends of the Berkshire pig breed or other bloodlines during the nineteenth century. In the past, the Turopolje Pig breed was one among the most prevalent pig in its local country. However, the transform from extensive pig farming to intensive pig farming during the middle part of the twentieth century, the usage of the Turopolje Pig breed was reduced.
Features of Turopolje Pig
The Turopolje pig breed is a small pig that has black color spots on a grey or the white color body with sagging ears. Though the Turopolje Pig breed is fairly small in size and has a slow rate of growth, it is recognized for its toughness under free range circumstances. The Turopolje pig breed has adapted itself entirely to the ecological unit, by making use of the wide oak woodlands as a vital resource of food.
The Turopolje pig breed has off-white coiled hair of normal length. They have black color patches on both sides of their body and their skin is without pigment. The Turopolje Pig have an average length head with the bowl-shaped profile. The Turopolje Pig breeds have partially projecting ears of normal length, but they do not cover their eyes. They have a normal stomach, straight back and have highly sensitive udders with 10 to 12 teats. The Turopolje Pig breeds have a high level of disease resistance and they are well capable of withstanding changes in any type of weather and bad climate. The female Turopolje pig is highly fertile, which is capable of producing five piglets in each litter. The sows nurse their piglets for about three to five weeks. When Piglets are weaned off of their mother’s milk, they are not called piglets but are known as shoats. Piglets at birth weigh about 2.5 pounds (1.1 kilograms), and on average, will double their weight in one week.
History of Turopolje Pig
Without doubt, the Turopolje pig breed is the oldest pig breed in its native range, Croatia and therefore, it can be considered one among the oldest pigs in Europe. The Turopolje Pig breed came into a life form in the Turopolje area which is located between the Kupa River and the Sava River, flowing on the eastern side of Zagreb. In the Turopolje area, the Turopolje Pig rearing definitely goes back to the pre-historical era and is an aspect in the pig domestication process.
It has been revealed that the wild Turopolje male pig survived down the elevated reaches of the Sava River and that the residents of these areas domesticated the pig. They called this domesticated pig as the Peatland pig, and reared by the residents of the higher reaches of the Sava River, who resided in homes on stilts. From this, the household pig breed called the Krskopoljski pig was developed to ideal production form. During the pre-historical era and ancient times, the Krskopoljski pig extended to the Turopolje area. This breed is supposed to be the Siska pig breed that subsequently extended all through the whole Balkan Peninsula and the breed was called as the Turopolje pig breed. It is as well, supposed that the Turopolje pig breed is the creation of crossing between Siska pig breed and the Krskopoljski pig breed from the neighboring Slovenia.
The Turopolje pig breed was developed over an extended period. Its fate was narrowly bound to the circumstances in the Turopolje region. During the track of history, the Turopolje pig breed has been a matter of a series of changes.
Turopolje Pigs Feet
The four feet and four toes of the pig are called "trotters" that humans eat as a delicacy called pigs feet or pigs knuckles. A Turopolje Pigs foot has four toes that are pointed downwards when the pig walks, it walks on the tips of its toes, rather than its whole foot and only uses two of the toes in the middle and the outside toes for balance. The Turopolje Pig has tougher feet at the ends that are hooves. The two toes in the middle of the foot are slightly webbed, this helps the pigs balance for walking.
The saliva of Turopolje Pigs contains pheromones-( A chemical substance used to attract a mate) similar to that of other pig breeds that communicate their sexual wants. The male Turopolje Pigs discharge this steroid and female pigs will go to vast lengths to acquire a smell of the sent.
Turopolje Pigs are raised for there meat such as ham, sausage, bacon and pork chops. Pigs can make great pets. "A wild male pig is called a boar"- meaning uncastrated male pig, that lives in the wild and can be hunted. "Feral pig or hog is defined as a wild boar" can be a very big danger where humans habitat.
The term Swine: is any variety of omnivorous, even-toed ungulates of the family Suidae, this includes hogs, boars and pigs having a short neck, thick skin a movable snout and a stout body.
Turopolje Pigs unlike is said, happen to be very clean animals. Turopolje Pigs make sure their bathroom area is far away from where they eat, lie down and rest, even piglets (baby pigs) will find a place to go to the bathroom, far away from their nest.
A Turopolje Pig is the last of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. The pig represents, happiness, honesty, fortune and virility in China. A female adult pig is called a (sow) and the male adult wild pig is called a (boar). The lifespan of a Turopolje Pig is between 9 and 15 years
Turopolje Pigs do not sweat a lot, that's why they cover themselves in the mud to keep their bodies cool. The expression "sweating like a pig" comes from a reference to pig iron, which comes form iron smelting.
Turopolje Pigs are very intelligent, not like people think, that pigs are dumb animals. A Turopolje Pig can drink between 10 to 14 gallons (37.8 to 53 liters)of water in a day. Turopolje Pigs are omnivores like humans, an omnivores, (definition-they eat both other animals and plants). The Turopolje Pig snout is its most important tool for finding food. The Turopolje Pigs snout is used for their excellent sense of smell and they have poor eyesight.
Turopolje Pigs have 44 teeth when full grown, when they are baby pigs (piglets) the have 28 teeth which will fall out when they are 12 months old. Just like human teeth, the Turopolje Pig has an enamel coating that makes the pigs teeth stronger and helps it curb disease. Turopolje Pigs chew their food because pigs have a digestive system similar to a human digestive system and cannot digest food that is not chewed. Turopolje Pigs have small lungs compared to their body size. "Scientific name for Pig Sus scrofa", the wild swine (Boar) from the old world with a narrow body and prominent tusks is from where most domestic swine come from. The "fear of pigs Swinophobia".