Tasmanian Devil
Category: Marsupial
Facts about Tasmanian Devil. "Scientific name for Tasmanian devil is Sarcophilus harrisii". Tasmanian devil is a mammal that is also the world's largest carnivorous marsupial and part of the Dasyuridae family
The Tasmanian Devil averages approximately 25 to 30 inches (63.5 to 76.2 cm) in length, and approx 18 to 27 pounds (8.2 to 12.2 kg). The Tasmanian devil are surprisingly fast for being a short and squat animal, with speeds up to 9 mph (14.5 km/ph). The Tasmanian devil have also been witnessed climbing trees and swimming in rivers and lakes.
Due to the Tasmanian devils large head and neck, they have one of the strongest bite for their size, of any land mammal. Their jaws can also open to a amazingly 80 degrees adding to the quick strong bite. While feeding, the Tasmanian devil are widely known to screech, squeal, and growl loudly to jockey for the best feeding position on a carcass. While witnessing this particular activity by explorers, is how the Tasmanian Devil got its name.
The Tasmanian devil are known to eat anything that is put in front of them, which includes the hair and bone of any carcass found.
The Tasmanian Devils are nocturnal and solitary animals, they rest and sleep in burrows, dense vegetation and caves, until dusk
They are also monogamous animals. Males will fight other males and then protectively guard the partners, during the breeding seasons
The female average breeding season it approx. four time per year, and can give birth to a litter of up to 30, after 21 days of pregnancy. After 3 months, the surviving young emerge from the mothers pouch, and after approximately 8 months, the young are fully weaned and on their own.
While once abundant on the continent of Australia, the Tasmanian devil are now only indigenous to the island of Tasmania, which lies off the southern coast.
The Tasmanian devil were widely hunted and became an endangered species, until the early 1940’s, when the Australian government officially made them a protected species.
The Looney Tune cartoons have a character of the name Tasmanian devil which brought them into worldwide pop culture.