Sylphina Angel Butterfly
Category: Butterfly

Sylphina Angel Butterfly Facts, Scientific name for Sylphina Angel Butterfly is "Chorinea sylphina". The Sylphina Angel Butterfly, has blue inner wings and black lined clear outer wings. It has a black body, straight black antennae and bright red or white or green tails. A Sylphina Angel Butterfly are insects. A Sylphina Angel Butterfly is a herbivore; Meaning that as a caterpillar its first food is its own eggshell and than it will eat the leaves of the plant on which it is hatched. When it becomes a butterfly, it will feed mostly on nectar from flowers, rotting fruit and water with a "proboscis" - a long narrow tube in their mouth that looks like a straw.
A Sylphina Angel Butterfly is part of the Riodinini tribe of species, the Riodininae subfamily and the Riodinidae family. The Sylphina Angel Butterfly is part of the Papilionoidea super-family of butterflies. The Riodindae or metalmarks family refers to the small metal-looking marks on heir wings. The Riodindae family has around 1500 species and 150 genera. A Sylphina Angel Butterfly is part of the Chorinea sub-family, in which all eight species have clear wings. The Sylphina Angel Butterfly has mostly red markings on the hind-wings. When flying, the Sylphina Angel Butterfly are sometimes mistaken for damselflies.
A member of the clear-wing family, it is native to Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. The Sylphina Angel Butterfly is a neo-tropical species, living in the subtropical broadleaf forests but not the true rain forest of the Amazon. Its range does not include the Neartic zone around the Isthmus of Panama. Instead, the Sylphina Angel Butterfly are found in the Andean mountains. Subspecies Chorinea sylphina Terpsichore is only found in Bolivia. The Sylphina Angel Butterfly is completely unrelated to the Lepidopoda sylphina moth from Sierra Leone.
The Sylphina Angel Butterfly was discovered by Bates in 1868.
A Sylphina Angel Butterfly is cold-blooded, which means the body temperature is not regulated on its own. The Sylphina Angel Butterfly usually fly only during full sunlight, otherwise resting in the shade. Most butterflies need to be at least 82 F (28 c)to fly. Since the Chorinea sylphina is a tropical species, it will actually rest in the shade to avoid overheating, flying when temperatures are in the 80s or so (26 c).
The Sylphina Angel Butterfly lives in the cloud forest at elevations of 6000 to 10000 feet (1828 to 3048 meters). The Sylphina Angel Butterfly adults are usually solitary but will gather in groups of half a dozen to a dozen on the underside of leaves ten to twenty feet (3 to 6 meters) above the ground at the hottest part of the day. Usually, they only gather to mate. When the Sylphina Angel Butterfly come down to ground level to feed, they fly alone. Male Sylphina Angel Butterfly can be found mud-puddling, drinking the mineral-laden water in mud puddles.
Sylphina Angel Butterfly can see yellow, green, and red. An adult Sylphina Angel Butterfly average life span is from a week to a year
The top flight speed of a Sylphina Angel Butterfly is 12 miles per hour and some moths can fly up to 25 miles per hour.
Sylphina Angel Butterfly lay pink eggs. The eggs are laid in batches of up to 150 eggs on the underside of the Prionostemma (Hippocrataceae) or Maytenus (Celastraceae) plants, which are the primary food for the larva. The larvae start to spread out after each molting until each larva has its own leaf shelter on its own leaf. The Sylphina Angel caterpillar creates a pupa within the leaf shelter when ready to turn into an adult. Not much else of the life-cycle of the Sylphina Angel Butterfly is known. It is rare for an adult butterfly to live longer than nine months.
The adult Sylphina Angel Butterfly drinks nectar from flowers, including from species other than the Prionostemma (Hippocrataceae) or Maytenus (Celastraceae) plants. The Sylphina Angel Butterfly do not migrate over long distances to find food, but they will migrate up and down the mountain to follow the rich floral blooms that come with spring. Migrating a thousand feet higher in elevation is simpler than flying 200 miles (320 km) to follow the seasonal changes.
When adult Sylphina Angel Butterfly are threatened by a predator, they produce a nasty yellow fluid from the thorax. It smells bad, deterring some predators. However, the Sylphina Angel Butterfly are often eaten by birds, insectivores and omnivores.
Life cycle of a butterfly comes in four stages, egg, larva "caterpillars", pupa "chrysalis" and adult Butterfly.
A Sylphina Angel Butterfly will attach its eggs to leaves with a special glue.
When caterpillars become fully grown they will attach to an appropriate leaf or small branch, than they will shed the outside layer of their skin and a hard skin underneath known as a "chrysalis" will be their new look
An adult Sylphina Angel Butterfly will come out from the "chrysalis" than it waits a few hours for its wings to dry and fill with blood, before it takes its first flight.
A Sylphina Angel Butterfly can't fly or eat if their body temperature is below 82 degrees fah (28 cel). Butterfly's are often basking in the sun with their wings open to gain heat and than the veins in the wings carry the heat to the body.
A Sylphina Angel Butterfly has sense organ, on their feet or tarsi, for tasting
The estimate is between 15000 and 20000 different species of butterfly.
A Sylphina Angel Butterfly has three pairs of legs and their feet have little claws that help them stand on flowers. The Sylphina Angel Butterfly's wings are made up of hard tubes that are covered with a thin tissue. The Sylphina Angel Butterfly's wings are covered with fine dusty like scales. A Sylphina Angel Butterfly has four brightly colored wings having distinctive patterns made up of tiny scales. The bright patterns scales sometimes have hidden ultraviolet patterns for attracting mates. The bright colors are also used as camouflage to hide them or scare off predictors.
A Sylphina Angel Butterfly has a small body, made up of three parts – the head, abdomen and thorax. A Sylphina Angel Butterfly has two large eyes, which are made up of many small parts which are called "compound eyes".
A Sylphina Angel Butterfly has two antenna's on the top of their heads, which they use to smell, hear and feel. A Sylphina Angel Butterfly’s mouth is a long tube a "proboscis" - a long narrow tube in their mouth that looks like a straw when its done eating, it rolls the tube back up.