Sun Bear
Category: Bear
Facts about Sun Bear, "Scintific name for Sun Bear is Helarctos malayanus". The Sun Bear is a variety of bear that belongs to the Helarctos genus of the Ursidae family. Sun Bear is also called the Honey Bear, which indicates its insatiable hunger for honey and honeycombs. The Sun Bear is also referred to as a kinkajou, which is a distinct member of the Procyonidae that are usually an omnivorous group. The Sun Bears are largely seen in tropical forest homes of Southeast Asia. The Sun Bear is categorized as a vulnerable animal, mostly because of deforestation that made their worldwide population decline by over 30% over their past three generations.
Features of Sun Bear
The Sun Bear is the smallest animal among bear varieties that has a body length, ranging from 47 inches to 59 inches (120 cm to 150 cm), and has a body weight between 60 lbs and 176 lbs (27 kg and 80 kg). Usually, male bears are 10 % to 20 % bigger than the females.
The muzzle of the Sun Bear is petite and light colored, and in nearly all cases, the white region of the bear extends over the eyes. They have big size paws, and their soles are uncovered, which is considered to be an adaptation for hiking trees. The claws of the Sun Bear are big, curved, and sharp and they assume the shape of a sickle. The Sun Bears front paw claws are heavy and long and they have a tail with the length that ranges from 1 1/4 inches to 2 3/4 inches (3 cm to 7 cm).
The fur of the Sun Bear is jet-black in color, and it is sleek and short, with some under-wool. The coat of some other Sun Bears is gray or red in color. There are two twirls on their shoulders, from where their hair emits in all directions. There is a crown on the sides of their neck and a coil in the center of their breast patch. There is comparatively a crescent-shaped pale area on their breast that differs in color individually, ranging from cream, buff, or dirty white to ochreous. The skin of the Sun Bear is uncovered on its upper lip and its tongue is elongated, with the length that ranges from 7.9 inches to 9.8 inches (20 cm to 25 cm) and it is projected. These Sun Bears have small size ears, which are round, wide at the bottom and they are capable of extremely little movement. The bear’s front legs are rather bent with the paws twisted inwards, and they have cream-colored claws.
The Sun Bear will extend its exceptionally elongated tongue during feeding to take out insects and honey. It has extremely large teeth, particularly canines, and lofty bite forces with respect to the size of its body.
Diet of Sun Bear
The Sun Bear is an omnivorous animal and it mostly feeds on bees, honey, and beehives. They also feed on ants, termites, beetle, and bee larvae, and fruit varieties, particularly figs when accessible.
Reproduction of Sun Bear
The female Sun Bear will attain its maturity after 3 years of birth. At the time of mating, the female bear will demonstrate different behaviors, such as mock fighting, hugging, and head bobbing with its companion. The female bear will birth 1 to 2 cubs after the gestation period between 95 and 174 days. Usually, cubs are born hairless and blind, with the body weight between 9.9 oz and 11.5 oz (280 grams and 325 grams).
The average lifespan of the Sun Bear ranges from 10 years to 15 years in the wild, whereas in the captive, they can live up to 25 years.