Smooth Fox Terrier Dog
Category: Terrier Dogs
Facts about Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs, "Scientific name for Smooth Fox Terrier Dog, or domestic canine, is Canis lupus familiaris". The Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs sweat glands are between their paw pads.
It is a Fact a Smooth Fox Terrier Dog sees in color and have better low light vision. Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs have three eyelids, a lower lid, an upper eyelid lid and a third lid, that is called a haw or nictitating membrane, this keeps the dogs eye protected and moist. Dogs eyes have a special membrane for seeing better at night, called a tapetum lucidum - a dogs reflective layer in the choroid chiefly of nocturnal, causing the eyes to glow when light at night hits the eyes and they consist of some layers of smooth flat cells covered by a section of double deformed crystals. During 17th century, fox hunting became so popular in England and this forced many hunters looking for a dog that could get to deeper grounds in order to get down in the quarries and get the fox out of its den. This brought in the demand for a terrier. It was established that terriers of that time were unable to run as fast as a pack of foxhounds. To do away with that disadvantage, cross breeding was done in order to bring up a taller smooth looking dog called Smooth Fox Terrier Dog.
Body Size
The Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs average weight Smooth Fox Terrier Dog is 13 to 20 pounds (5.9 to 9 kg). The average height is 13 to 16 inches (33 to 40.6 cm).
Physical Appearance
The Smooth Fox Terrier Dog is a muscular, active, and agile dog breed with long legs sufficiently enough to run and ground a fox. It has a square body and covered with a very dense, short and smooth coat. The head of the Smooth Fox Terrier Dog is considerably narrow with a very flat skull and a muzzle which is equal to the skull in terms of length. The Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs ears are v-shaped, set high and carried very close to the skull dropped forward. The tail appears docked, straight, and set high though it’s not very close to the body. The Smooth Fox Terrier Dog coat is mostly white with brown or black or markings. The Smooth Fox Terrier Dog symmetry and power is exactly the same as that of the fox hound.
Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs have two times the amount of ear muscles than people. It is a fact a Smooth Fox Terrier Dog can hear a sound at four times the distance of a human. Sound frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz) Def-Hertz is the measurement of frequency, explicitly it's one cycle per second. The higher the Hertz are, the higher the pitched the sound is. Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs hear best at 45,000 Hz to 65,000 Hz, while humans hear best at around 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
All dogs are identical in makeup big or small– 42 permanent teeth and 321 bones. Smooth Fox Terrier Puppies have 28 teeth and when they become adult Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs they have 42 teeth. When Smooth Fox Terrier puppies are born, they have no teeth and are deaf and blind. Smooth Fox Terrier Puppies for their first few weeks will sleep ninety percent of the day and their vision is not fully developed until after the first month.
In terms of temperament of the Smooth Fox Terrier Dog is very lively, always active, and very affectionate and feels great in the presents kids.
Health Care
The Smooth Fox Terrier Dog is considered as a hardcore type in that it is not vulnerable to diseases. The number one heath problems amongst Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs is obesity, so always make sure your Smooth Fox Terrier Dog doesn't get to fat. Many foot problems that Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs have are just an issue of long toenails. However, sometimes it gets affected with conditions such as cataracts, deafness, lens luxation, distichiasis and canine hip dysplasia. If any of these diseases is suspected, medical attention should be sought immediately.
The Smooth Fox Terrier Dog has to be kept in a secured fenced yard which is large enough to allow room for exercises. The Smooth Fox Terrier Dog should be given at least 30 minutes of vigorous exercises.
A Smooth Fox Terrier Dog’s mouth can apply approximately 150 to 200 pounds of pressure per square inch and an American Pit Bull Terrier, German Shepherd Dog and a rottweiler can have 320 LBS of pressure on avg.
Only humans and dogs have prostates and a dog doesn't have an appendix.
Average body temperature for a Smooth Fox Terrier Dog is between 101 to 102.5 degrees
Female Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs are in heat for matting for about 20 days twice a year. Female Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs are pregnant for 60 days before they’re puppies are born.
A Smooth Fox Terrier Dog is an omnivore, (definition-they eat both other animals and plants). All Dogs are direct descendants of wolves.
When purchasing a Smooth Fox Terrier Dog from a breeder, make sure to find a good breeder with references check at least two to three of the puppies that were purchased from this breeder.
Smooth Fox Terrier Dog’s nose prints can be used to identify them, their nose prints are like a humans finger print. It is a Fact a Smooth Fox Terrier Dog smells more than 1,000 times stronger than that of a human. A Smooth Fox Terrier Dog’s nose, secretes a thin layer of mucous that helps it absorb scent, after that they lick their noses and sample the scent through their mouth.
In 1876 the first standards were recognized and the establishing the Smooth Fox Terrier Dog, making its own set of standards from the wire-haired dogs. They still are considered them the same breed with different coat mixtures by some clubs. The Smooth Fox Terrier Dog since 1984 have been separated in the United States. Wirehaired Fox Terrier and Smooth Fox Terrier were recognized by the (AKC) American Kennel Club in 1885.
Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs pant to keep cool with 10 to 35 breaths per minute with an average of 24 breaths per minute. A large dog breed resting heart beats between 60 to 100 times per minute, and a small dog breed’s heart beats on average between 100 to 140 pant a lot.