Silver Dollar (Metynnis argenteus)
Category: Aquarium Fish Other
A number of species of fish in the genus Metynnis have a common name which is Silver Dollar. This is because this genus of fish has a round shape. The species is common in South America and it is mostly kept in aquariums. It belongs to the family of Characidae and it closely related to pacu.
Silver dollars are hardy and one should keep them in a large aquarium. They are peaceful and can grow up to 6 inches. Caring for them it easy and does not require much.
Silver dollar prefers to stay in mid level waters. Preferably the water should have a pH of 5-7 and hardness of 15 dGH. The temperature ranges form 24-28 degrees Celsius. They live up to ten years when in the wild.
If you opt to keep them in aquariums it is good to have a group of three or more. If you keep them in a tank 30 gallons tank is suitable. In order to reduce stress in the fish, you should keep plants to make the environment as natural as possible. In other instances, plastic plants can be introduced too.
Silver dollars are herbivorous. Mostly they eat plants and vegetables but when in the wild they can feed on worms and small insects. But when in captive they are fed with plants.
To encourage spawning, one should keep the water soft at around 8 dGH and the temperature should be around 80 degrees Celsius. Spawning should be done in a dim light so that eggs cannot be eaten by the older fish or the parents themselves. Alternatively, one can place them in a separate tank.
Approximately 2000 eggs are laid by the female and it takes around three days to hatch. The fry can swim in a week’s time and be able to feed. At this stage you can opt to give them algae tablets or flake foods.