Sailfin Rough Shark
Category: Shark

Facts about Sailfin Rough Shark, "Scientific name for Sailfin Rough Shark is Oxynotus paradoxus". Sailfin rough shark can be found in deep waters of Northeast Atlantic Ocean though it not common. Sailfin Rough Shark has also been spotted in British Isles, France, Spain and Portugal. Sailfin Rough Shark is rarely found in inshore waters but rather captured at depths of around 1665-2000 ft (508 to 609 meters).
Sailfin Rough Shark skin is also known as kite-fin-shark it is one of the four species that make up a family of rough shark family. Sailfin rough sharks are poor swimmers and use large oil filled liver to float on water.
The Sailfin Rough Shark have a short snout, two dorsal fins which are normally have sharp spines and five gill slits. The Sailfin Rough Shark don’t have anal fin and nictitating membranes (clear eyelid) which are used for eye protection and most sharks have them.
The body of Sailfin Rough Shark is triangular in cross-section. The head is flat and broad and the skin dark brown with no districts marks. The length of an adult is 3 feet 9 inches (1.2 meters).
In order to separate the Sailfin Rough Shark from the other existing rough sharks in Northeast Atlantic which are angular sharks, the first dorsal spine leans backward and the shape of the spiracles is small almost circular compared to the one found in angular rough shark.
The Sailfin Rough Sharks feeding habits are not very much known but it is believed that they feed on small invertebrates and fish that live at the bottom of the ocean.
Again, not much is known about their reproduction but the Sailfin Rough Shark are ovoviviparous species. This means that they carry pregnancy to term and give birth to pups that are about 9 7/8 (25 cm) long.
Encounter with human beings is very minimal because the Sailfin Rough Shark live deep into the ocean. In cases where fishermen catch them in their nets they are required to handle them with care due to their sharp teeth and large dorsal spines. The Sailfin Rough Shark can even be turned as fish meal since they don’t have any commercial use.
There are over 400 types of sharks, Sharks have the most powerful jaws on on earth. Sailfin Rough Sharks jaws, both the upper and lower jaws move. Sailfin Rough Sharks skin is made of denticles instead of scales like other fish. The denticles are constructed like hard, sharp teeth (tooth-like projection) and this helps to protect the Sailfin Rough Shark from being injury. The Sailfin Rough Shark is carnivores meaning: an animal that feeds on flesh (Meat).