Sailfin Molly (Poecilia latipinna)
Category: Molly Fish
Sailfin Molly is a Poecilia type of fish that comes from the Poeciliidae family. These fish varieties are tank bred and they are native to clean and salty coastal waters of North America and Asia. They live in clean, salty, and coastal waters, ranging from North Carolina to the Yucatán cape of Mexico and Texas. These fish breeds are largely found in low waters along streams, marshes, swamps and ponds. In the aquarium, they are supposed to be maintained in a good-planted arrangement with open swimming spaces and an abundance of hiding places in the middle of plants for pregnant female breeds. Usually these fish breeds prefer hard water, with the temperature ranging from 68 degrees Fahrenheit to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Sailfin Molly fish variety is a nonviolent fish that attains a maximum body length of 6 inches when fully grown. Similar to other fish of the Poecilia type, this fish variety is particularly suitable for community hard water aquariums. This fish makes the ideal accumulation to any community aquarium with tank companions of analogous temperament. Distinguishing genders is quite easy by sight.
All Sailfin Molly fish varieties are categorized as omnivores. Usually, they feed on plant matter and algae in the wild. In the aquarium, they are fed with algae wafers and plant matter. If they are not sufficiently fed, they may resort to the aquatic plants for food, particularly if they voracious eaters. They are also fed with freezing mosquito larvae or other sea invertebrates.
Fertilization of Sailfin Molly fish varieties is internal, and is achieved through highly customized fin elements in the anal fin of male breeds that form an organization called the Gonopodium. Male Sailfin Molly fish breeds have genitalia opposite to the anal fin and noticeably bigger dorsal fins. A live bearing variety, female breeds give birth to young ones, ranging from 10 to 150 fry subsequent to a short development period. Once the female breed gives birth, the parents do not take care of their younger ones.
The average lifespan of the Sailfin Molly fish breed is 3 years.