Rhapsody in Pink Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
Category: Deciduous Trees
Rhapsody in Pink Crape myrtle is a deciduous shrub which belongs to lythraceae family. It common name is crape myrtle, grows from 6-8 feet spreading to 12 feet. It is a very fast growing tree which grows up to 3 feet per year.
This shrub is grown in average, medium moisture, well drained soils. It does very well in loamy, clay soils in full sun. It is not wise to grow it in overly fertile soils because the soils tend to produce lush foliage growth. This further damages the flowering process leading to an increased susceptibility winter.
When it is dry, water the roots but avoid watering the foliage. The foliage is purple which contrast so well with the pink flowers.
It is an ornamental tree which is preferred by many due to its prolonged bloom, exfoliating bark and color fall. When this tree grows in the wild its flowers color are rose to red, but in gardens colors include white, purple and pink. The bloom continues throughout summer until the first frost.
Its leaves are 3 “long, elliptic to oblong, thick and leathery, privet-like and sub-opposite to each other. They normally emerge with a tinge of red then mature to dark green by summer and afterwards turn to yellow-orange-red in fall.
The flowers give way to round seed capsules which persist into winter. You will discover that the bark is somehow smooth and pink-grayish in color which exfoliates with age. If the trees are not pruned they can grow tall. But mostly people love to prune them especially when planting in the garden.
This tree can either be planted alone or mixed with other flowering plants. Whichever way, it looks beautiful and is grown mostly in gardens, borders, hedges and in parks. It can withstand dry places after it has been established. It is also deer resistant and can withstand air pollution.