Red Tailed Shark (epalzeorhynchos bicolor)
Category: Aquarium Fish Other
Red-Tailed Shark is a variety of freshwater fish that comes from the carp family called the Cyprinidae. This fish variety is also called by other names, such as the red tail shark minnow and red tail shark. It is prevalent in Thailand and now critically rare, but widespread in aquaria, where it is valued for its profound black-colored body and bright orange or red colored tail. Nowadays, the red-tailed black-colored sharks that are being found in the aquarium business are all captive developed.
The Red-Tailed Shark fish varieties can attain a maximum body length of 5 inches. In the aquarium business, the colors of the tail of this fish variety can differ, with vivid red and orange being the most widespread. If the fish is unhealthy or stressed, the red color will exhaust from its tail.
While two Red-Tailed Sharks cohabitate, they have been recognized to turn out to be very defensive with one another. One fish will turn out to be overridden and will incessantly trail and harass the obedient fish, preventing it from nourishing and resting. This will regularly cause the death of the obedient fish. Bigger groups of five or more fish, amazingly, are inclined to survive better than two or three fish, as they will set up a steady hierarchy. However, such a cluster will need an extremely big, heavily planted aquarium.
Red-Tailed Shark fish varieties are omnivores, and they are not particularly fastidious eaters. They feed on flake food, Tubifex freeze-dried bloodworms, including vegetable-based foods.
Usually, Red-Tailed Shark fish varieties are violent chasers, but will rarely harm or bite other fish. Individual fish differs greatly such that some are peaceful, whereas other fish are somewhat violent towards tank companions. They are bottom inhabitants and are fond of lots of dark hiding locations. They get together with other semi-violent fish, but they do not fond of other shark varieties.
Though the average lifespan of the Red-Tailed Shark fish breed is 8 years, in some rare situations they can live more than 10 years.