Red-Eye Tetra (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae)
Category: Tetra Fish
Red-Eye Tetra is a variety of freshwater fish that belongs to the tetra genus. It is also called by other names, such as the yellow back moenkhausia, the yellow-banded moenkhausia and the yellow head tetra. This fish variety is largely found in Paraguay, in South America, eastern Peru, eastern Bolivia and western Brazil. These fish breeds perform well at temperatures, ranging from 72 Degree Fahrenheit to 79 Degree Fahrenheit in a planted tank with an abundance of shoaling room. Red-Eye Tetra fish varieties bear a variety of water conditions, but prefer somewhat soft, acid water.
The Red-Eye Tetra fish breed can have a maximum body length of 7 cm, with a brilliant silver body pronounced by a black-colored tail and a slim red circle about its eye. This fish variety has a natural forbearance to an extensive range of water constraints. This feature makes the fish well suited for an assortment of aquarium setups as well as the community aquarium. Unlike responsive tetra varieties that require to be maintained in soft water circumstances, the strong Red Eye Tetra fish is an outstanding option for new aquarists. Moreover, this fish breed is very passive and is well-matched with other non-violent fish.
The Red-Eye Tetra fish varieties are omnivores, and in the wild, they feed on insects, worms, plant matter and crustaceans. In the aquarium, these fish varieties are fed with all types of live, clean, and flake foods. They also fed with either frozen or live brine shrimp or blood worms.
The female Red-Eye Tetra fish is larger and has a more rounded stomach than the male ones. When trying to breed them, a separate propagation tank is supposed to be set up with somewhat acidic, extremely soft water. This fish breed is free spawning, but will as well lay eggs in the middle of the roots of hovering plants. Once spawning has taken place in the captive, the mating couple is supposed to be removed, as they will eat their eggs and hatching fry. Following a day after the eggs are laid, they will hatch. The fry can at first be fed with rotifers, infusoria or fry foods, then newly hatched brine shrimp, and finally finely compressed flake foods.
The average lifespan of the Red-Eye Tetra fish breed is approximately 5 years.