Rainbow Trout
Category: Freshwater Fishing
Facts about Rainbow Trout, "Scientific name for Rainbow Trout is Oncorhynchus mykiss". Rainbow trout are Native to North America and you will find them in rivers, streams and lakes. Trout are one of several game fish of the genus Salmo, same family as the salmon. Rainbow Trout can be found in lots more regions due to stocking.
Native Rainbow Trout will have more spotting, down the middle of the trout. Juvenile Rainbow Trout have 8 to 14 parr marks (egg shaped spots) on their sides and become silvery as they mature.
Rainbow trout are big eaters and will eat almost anything they can get their mouths around once. Once they figure out it is not eatable, they will not try to eat it again. That's why it is hard to catch the same trout twice while fishing if it gets away. When Rainbow Trout are young, insects, small fish, tadpoles make up a good portion of the Rainbow Trouts diet.
Rainbow trout are one of the most popular of the game fish. Trout are stocked in streams where they never have been, so people can say "we have the best trout fishing in the region". They want to get write-ups in magazines and on the internet. So they can stimulate Rainbow trout fishing in there area and their economy.
Rainbow trout have seven fins, a pair of pelvic fins, a pair of pectoral fins, a dorsal fin, an adipose fin and an anal fin,. To determine which rainbow trout is from a hatchery rainbow or a wild rainbow trout, rainbow hatched and raised in captivity that are released into the wild, most of the time adipose fin will be clipped in the hatchery.
Rainbow Trout can be found in in cool lakes, rivers and streams and in the rivers and streams where the deep water meets shallow water. Rainbow Trout are also found under rocks and rock shelves, good hiding places. In the streams trout hide to keep out of the current. Rainbow trout like to feed in faster water. Other types of trout feed in slower waters.
Usually the length of Rainbow trout that is found in the Great Lakes are average 20 to 23 inches (50.8 to 58.4 cm) in length and weigh 4 to 8 lbs (1.8 to 3.6 kg), they can live 6 to 8 years while most smaller stream rainbows only live 3 to 4 years and are 7 to 12 inches (17.8 to 30.5 cm) and its not that uncommon to catch a 15 inch (38.1 cm) Rainbow Trout. Size also varies on what region you are fishing.
Knowing about the area where you intend on fishing for Rainbow trout will definitely help you catch a good amount of Rainbow. Try to learn what type of food that the Rainbow Trout are feeding on at the time you are fishing. Sometimes different baits will catch the trout at different times. It could depend on the time of year, the water temperature, and if there was rain and the water current is high, or no rain and the water current is low.
Don't Let The Rainbow trout See You, they are smarter then you think. Do not wear bright colored shirts trout can see you. There is a big variety of live bait and artificial bait that work well to catch Rainbow Trout. earthworms, cured salmon eggs, insects, kernel corn, and live minnows or artificial spinners, spoons, work well when fishing for trout.
When fishing for Rainbow Trout, you will need to buy a graphite or fiberglass fishing rod that is between 6 and 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 kg) long and a basic fishing reel. You should use 8 to 10 pound-test line, a leader, a swivel, and live or artificial bait. For novice fisherman, go to a local fishing store and let them set you up with your equipment. You will get much better advice, than from one of the big retail chains
Using worms or some of the other live bait, usually requires a small Rainbow Trout hook, some small weights to hold the bait in the bottom of the pool of water in the stream. Depending on how strong the current is, will depend on how much weight you us
Spinners can catch a lot of Rainbow Trout. Usually you can use a spinner in most water in streams. You can us a spinner in pools, running water, or if the stream isn't to low. when using the spinner you must come from the top of where the water runs down away from you. This way the Rainbow Trout don't see you and you can pull the spinner up the water toward you and catch lots of fish.