Pink Speckled Shrimpgoby
Category: Salt Water
Facts about the Pink Speckled Shrimpgoby. The Pink-Speckled Shrimpgoby is a member of the goby family. These hardy fish are popular in the aquarium trade.
The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby is called the Singapore shrimp goby, pink speckled shrimp goby, Pink-and-Blue-Spotted Goby, pink spotted watchman goby, Pink-speckled Prawn Goby, Pink and Blue Spotted Goby, leptocephalus prawn goby. Its scientific name is Cryptocentrus leptocephalus.
These Pink- Speckled Shrimpgobies have pink and blue spots. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby are a mixture of red, tan, blue and yellow. The body is mostly off white, tan or yellow, with darker red, pink, tan spots. The body has larger pink spots relative than the smaller blue spots. The fins are pale white. They have yellow eyes.
The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby have a maximum length of 12 centimeters or 4.7 inches. Males usually have a longer dorsal fin than the females, though the coloring is the same between the genders.
These Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby fish prefer to build burrows in coral rubble and sandy substrates. You can add broken pieces of shells and sand to give them something to burrow in. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby like having rocks to burrow under. These bottom dwellers spend most of their time on the bottom of the tank or on the rockwork. You can create caves from them using partially buried pieces of PVC pipe.
They will share their burrows with pistol shrimp or gobies of the opposite gender. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby are territorial except with their own mates. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby should be kept with any pistol shrimp that are part of the Alpheus genus. Add multiple shrimp to the tank to increase the odds the goby will pair up with one of them.
The Pink Speckled Shrimpgoby is aggressive toward other goby species, especially smaller goby. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby are stressed if sharing a tank with other burrowing species like wrasses, which burrow at night. They may eat arrow crabs.
These Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby fish are jumpers and will try to jump out of the tank if they can. If kept in a tank, have a tight lid on it.
They lay eggs attached to the substrate like a clownfish.
Their ideal foods are small crustaceans like krill and mysis shrimp. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby will eat vitamin enriched shrimp and frozen food preparations for carnivores. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby need to be fed several times a day, fed more often after being added to a new tank, less often if they can find food in their tank. They need to eat at least twice a day. While they will eat small shrimp, other invertebrates are safe with them. They may eat bully wrasses.
These Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby fish are native to the Indo-Pacific. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby are found from Australia to Japan throughout the eastern Pacific and central Pacific. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby are plentiful around Indonesia.
The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby need tanks of at least 26 gallons or 100 liters. Do not put them in a tank with other burrowing gobies or wrasses.
These Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby fish can be kept in reef tanks and fish only tanks. They prefer tanks with caves in addition to a sandy substrate they can burrow in. The Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby do best in tanks with live brine.
These tropical fish need water between 74�F and 79�F.
This Pink- Speckled Shrimpgoby species was discovered by Bleeker in 1876.