Peruvian Paso Horse
Category: Horse

Facts about Peruvian Paso Horse, "Scientific name for Peruvian Paso Horse is Equus caballus". The "Peruvian Paso Horse" just as the name suggests, traces its roots to Peru. A direct descendent of Spanish horse. Due to the Peruvian Paso Horse isolation for about 500 years, it has since evolved to as one of the purest horse breed in the world. Much appreciation to its unique, natural 4 beat lateral gait, it is definitely among the smoothest riding horses.
A Peruvian Paso Horse hooves are made from the same protein that human hair and fingernails are made of. Peruvian Paso Horses brain take up less space in their head than their teeth do. Peruvian Paso Horses do not breath through their mouth, they only breath through the nose.
Physical Description
Male Peruvian Paso Horses are called a stallion. Female Peruvian Paso Horses are called a mare. Young male Peruvian Paso Horse are called a colt. Young female Peruvian Paso Horse are called a filly. Small horses are called Ponies. The Peruvian Paso Horse is a medium sized horse that the average weight for Peruvian Paso Horse is between 900 and 1100 lb (410 to 500kg), the average height is 14 to 15 hands (56" to 60" inches, 158 to 172 cm), with an elegant and powerful build. The Peruvian Paso Horse has a deep chest, a heavy neck, a substantial body without traces of being hound gutted on the flank area. Peruvian Paso Horse has a lowly set yet quiet tail. The Peruvian Paso Horse breed Stallions have got broader chest with a larger neck as compared to the mares. The color coat varies from chestnut to black to bay to brown to palomino to buckskin to roan, dun or gray. The most desirable solid color coat is gray or dark skin. The Peruvian Paso Horse have a lustrous mane and forelock that is fine and abundant. White markings on the legs and face are acceptable for the Peruvian Paso Horse. The average lifespan of a Peruvian Paso Horse is around 25 years, but they can live long. A Peruvian Paso Horse is a mammals. Peruvian Paso Horse are herbivorous animals (a herbivore, eats leaves, grass, hay and furns (plant eaters).
Peruvian Paso Horse has a good temperament which makes it an easy horse to deal with. The Peruvian Paso Horse is characterized by specific gait. Instead of a trot like he other breeds it performs a unique four beat gait normally between a walk and the canter. The Peruvian Paso Horse is a lateral gait that the horse can perform two variations of the same gait. The most preferred one is known as paso llano which is isochronous; this means there are 4 equal beats in the rhythm. The other one is known as sobreandando, this is a bit faster than the later. The lateral beats are much closer together, a 4 beat rhythm which a pair is closely timed with a pause between the pair beats.
This characteristic gait is helpful to the Peruvian Paso Horse as it can be able to cover long distance in a short time without getting tired or tiring the rider. The good thing is that gait is natural and will not require much training.
Peruvian Paso Horse should be vaccinated against various horse diseases. Proper hygiene while handling the Peruvian Paso Horse food is important to maintain the animal’s health. DSLD (Degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis) a connective tissue disorder though common in any breed of horses it was originally notated in Peruvian Paso Horse and was recognized as hereditary.
The Peruvian Paso Horse are internationally known for good temperament, Peruvian Paso can be used for pulling trails, pleasure riding, parades, horse show, and endurance riding. The horse is a amazing animal, a Peruvian Paso Horse can sleeping by standing up in normal position or lying down. A Peruvian Paso Horse has surprisingly big eyes and have one of the biggest eyes amongst mammals. The eyes can give a Peruvian Paso Horse with almost 360 degree vision at times. A male Peruvian Paso Horses has more teeth than a female horses. An adult male Peruvian Paso Horse usually have 40 teeth and a females usually has 36 teeth. A Peruvian Paso Horse on average only sleeps between 2 1/2 to 3 hours in a day and will sleep longer in the summer than in the winter. A Peruvian Paso Horse doesn't have a gall bladder. A Peruvian Paso Horse have a better senses of hearing or smell than humans. Peruvian Paso Horses ears can turn in different directions to give them better hearing.