Orange Stripe Banded Prawn Goby
Category: Aquarium Fish Other
Facts about Orange Stripe Prawn Goby. "Scientific name for Orange Stripe Prawn Goby fish is Amblyeleotris randalli". The Orange Stripe Prawn Goby is also recognized as the Orange Banded Prawn Goby and the Randall’s Shrimp Goby. The Orange Stripe Prawn Goby was discovered for the first time in the Western Pacific in the year 1978 by Steene and Hoese and is one of the many Shrimp Gobies which are found in the oceans. The Orange Stripe Prawn Goby usually breeds in large numbers in the reef aquaria of the Indo Pacific regions extending far south to the Great Barrier Reef.
Features of the Orange Stripe Prawn Goby
The Orange Stripe Prawn Goby is a hardy fish with a pearly white body and arrays deep orange stripes on its body with a single orange striped array on its head and over the eyes. The male juveniles, which grow to lengths of 3 inches (8 cm) and can be recognized with their fan-like dorsal fin which exhibits a striking eyespot. The Orange Stripe Prawn Goby has ten to fourteen anal spines with a single anal soft ray and seven dorsal soft rays with narrower red bands and without red markings on the subsequent dorsal fin.
Aquarium of the Orange Stripe Prawn Goby
The Orange Stripe Prawn Goby requires a ten gallon aquarium (38 liters) or a larger aquarium. The fish is peaceful and can be kept with other fish species or Shrimp gobies. In addition, Orange Stripe Prawn Goby can also share a burrow with some of the species. However, it can often fight for territorial boundaries if kept with other fish species or if the tank based aquarium is not large enough to fully accommodate the fish. It is possible for the Orange Stripe Prawn Goby to form a symbiotic relationship with other Shrimp and spawn successfully in the tank based aquarium. Water Conditions of the aquarium of the Orange Stripe Prawn Goby temprature 72 to 78° F, dKH 8 to 12, pH 8.1 to 8.4, sg 1.020 to 1.025
When first placed in an aquarium, the Orange Stripe Prawn Goby can stay without feeding for several days. However, it eventually acclimates and begins to feed.
Diet of the Orange Stripe Prawn Goby
The Orange Stripe Prawn Goby requires a diet consist mainly of a variety of shrimps including the vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, chopped table shrimp and the mysis shrimp.