Old Fashioned Weigela Plant
Category: Shrubs
Facts about Old Fashioned Weigela shrub. "Scientific name for Old Fashioned Weigela shrub is Weigela florida". Old Fashion Weigela is a deciduous shrub that is small in size and it is of the family caprifoliaceae. The shrub grows best in an environment with plenty of sunlight. It is a flowering plant with long and trumpet-shaped flowers, which are funnel shaped in late spring and early summer. Old Fashioned Weigela plant is considered allergy free as it causes little or no allergic reactions in most people unlike other trees of its class. The Old Fashioned Weigela plant originates from East Asia to North China, Korea and Japan. Due to its foliage, color the plant is used in border, foundation, hedge massing naturalizing and as specimen.
Attributes of Old Fashioned Weigela shrub
Old Fashion Weigela shrub has an average growth rate and it may grow up to a height of 9 feet and a spread of 9 to 12 feet when it matures. It is both pest and drought tolerant making it special. Old Fashioned Weigela shrub has a round, upright and vase shape and is ideal in groupings. It begins to bloom in May (late spring and mid spring) with rosy pink flowers. The flowers are hermaphrodite and they attract butterflies & hummingbirds. That is why, they offer a good foliage color for landscapers.
Conditions for Growth of Old Fashioned Weigela shrub
Old fashion Weigela plant grows well in loamy, moist, rich, sandy or clay, acidic to alkaline (pH of about 6.8 to 7.7) well drained soils. It does well in zones with full sun exposure or partial shade. They grow optimally in hardness zones (5 to 9).
Care for Old Fashioned Weigela shrub
The Old Fashioned Weigela shrub is pruned after flowering.it is fertilized with plant-tone or Holly-tone approximately at April 1st, May 20th, August 15th, and October 30th. Granular fertilizers are kept off foliage and away from stems and trunks. Half the recommended rate of fertilizer is used for new plantings. Old Fashioned Weigela plant can be attacked by Japanese beetle, which feeds on its foliage. The shrub is a target of diseases such as leaf spot, which sometimes attack the plant. However, the Old Fashioned Weigela plant is prone to attack by bacterial gown gall that causes round growths on the lower stems.