Oak Tree
Category: Deciduous Trees

The oak tree: about 600 tree groups of this tree exist worldwide. These belong to the genus Quercus. This genus, which includes deciduous (short-lived) and evergreen groups, is native to the northern hemisphere. These trees bear flowers in spring, and the acorn (which is a nut) is its fruit. Most acorns contain only one seed, and take between 6 to 18 months to mature, depending on the tree group. The categorization of various tree groups is done by dividing the main genus into two subgenus, namely Cyclobalanopsis and Quercus, which are further divided into several sections
Oak trees are a type of deciduous (short-lived) tree. These are broad-leaved Oak trees that shed all their leaves during one season. Forests which are primarily composed of deciduous trees are called deciduous forests. The best type of soil for a nutritious and heathy growth of deciduous trees is referred to as podzol (also spelled podsol).
How old do oak trees live? -- Oak trees can live over 200 years. The largest oak tree in the United States of record is the Wye oak in the community of Wye Mills in Talbot County on Maryland's eastern. It is believed to be more than 400 years old, and it measures 9 meters (~ 32 feet) in circumference, it is 31 meters (~ 105 feet) tall with a crown spread of 48.1 meters (~ 158 feet).
Tree sizes a trunk's circumference can be as big as 9 or more meters (32 feet), which conforms to a trunk's diameter of 2.8 m (~ 9.5 ft). The height can reach up to 30 m (~ 100 ft). The spread of the canopy of a full grown oak tree ranges from 25 to 40 meters (85 to 135 feet) or more in diameter.
The oak tree is a member of the Beech family and its scientific name is Quercus or Lithocarpus.
Squirrels like to running up and down oak trees, and usually there is an acorn in the squirrel's mouth. Squirrels and other wildlife feed on the acorns that the tree produces. Acorns are the fruit of the oak tree. They are usually brown in color; the inside of an acorn has a nut that animals like to eat.
Ideal environment for oak trees to grow in sunny locations or in partial shade, like the amount of sun you see on a partly cloudy day. Oak trees also need soil that has enough moisture in it for the Oak tree to get enough water and nutrients. The soil should be well-drained, meaning extra water can flow through the soil without forming puddles around the roots of the tree. A tree can become sick if it is gets too much water at one time.