Nymphae Perry's Orange Sunset
Category: Pond Plants
Facts about Nymphaea Perry's Orange Sunset. Nymphaea Perry's Orange Sunset is an exceptionally beautiful aquatic plant that has dark bronze-green leaves and a cup-shaped 4 to 6 inch (10 to 15 cm) deep salmon flower. The petals of the Nymphaea Perry’s Orange Sunset is an intermix between orange and yellow. Being an excellent bloomer, this hardy Water lily bears flowers that stand 2 to 4 inches (5 to 15 cm) above the surrounding water. When mature, the lily spreads between 5 and 10 inches (12 to 25 cm) in water depths of 6 inches (15 cm) to 8 feet (2.43 meters) of water. Because of its odorata root, the plant can easily adapt to different environmental conditions. Just like other hardy water lily, the Perry's Orange Sunset is shade tolerant.
Origin of Nymphaea Perry's Orange Sunset according to research, the Perry Orange Sunset lily traces its origin in the eastern part of the United States. The introduction of this lily variety to Washington happened in the 1800 during the Alaska Pacific Yukon Exposition.
Growth Habit of Nymphaea Perry's Orange Sunset
Nymphaea Perry's Orange Sunset lilies can be commonly found in dense patches. While the patches look beautiful from a distance, underneath these floating mats is a low oxygen zone that makes it almost difficult to fish and water ski. The Nymphaea Perry's Orange Sunset spread in a slow fashion but in no time, they cover a depth of up to 8 feet (2.43 meters) into the water. The reproduction is through seeds and also through new plants that sprout from the extensive root work. Pollination happens during the day.
Management of Nymphaea Perry's Orange Sunset, to prevent these lilies from spreading to areas not intended for them, you need to control them. You can do so by harvesting, cutting or covering with bottom barrier materials. Research shows that if you continuously pull out the young plants , their population rate will eventually decrease.
Soil pH requirements Nymphaea Perry's Orange Sunset does well in areas that are neutral and mildly plastic with PH levels ranging from 6.1 to 6.5. Even though the Nymphaea Perry's Orange Sunsets are aggressive bloomers, they do exceptionally well in midsummer. Their moisture makes them suitable for water gardens and bogs.