Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)
Category: Tetra Fish
Neon Tetra is a gorgeous fish which is often grown in aquariums. It has a light blue color horizontal strip running across its back and this strip provides distinct visual appearance to the fish.
Neon Tetra is a freshwater fish and it is usually found in some parts of Columbia, Peru and Brazil. It belongs to Characin family and shares the visual appearance of some of the other Tetra fish. At 3 cm in length, Neon Tetra is a small fish. But its elegant looking colors attract many people and hence it is grown mainly in aquariums. Its body, especially the belly area is silver colored. A light blue color stripe passes horizontally at the back of the fish. The tail part is red in color. The combination of these three colors is a visual treat to watch and it is the main positive note about this fish. But the entire body color of Neon Tetra changes to silver when it rests. The fish again turns into tri color when it is active.
In aquarium, Neon Tetra should be treated with good care to keep it active. Amazon waters, this fish’s natural habitat has the temperatures ranging from 20 to 26 degrees. This temperature should be maintained in aquarium for the healthy growth of this fish. Ideal pH and KH values of the water should be 6 to 7.8 and 1 to 2 respectively. Dense plantation in the tank is also preferred to maintain the nativity of Amazon waters, to which Neon Tetra is used to. Placing this fish in empty aquariums can stress it and lose the tri color. It turns into complete silver color and may not be visible during night due to the color fade.
Ideal fish to be placed along with Neon Tetra are other Tetra fishes and Guppies. Since they are small in size and shy in nature, large fish may eat them. So it is important to place this fish with the compatible ones.