Morgan Horse
Category: Horse

Facts about Morgan Horse, "Scientific name for Morgan Horse is Equus caballus". Morgan Horse is a solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times.
The "Morgan Horse" is one among the most primitive horse breeds brought up in the United States. The Morgan Horse a compact, sophisticated breed that comes in black, bay or chestnut in color, even though the Morgan Horse come in several colors, including numerous variations of pinto. The Morgan Horse breed is recognized for its adaptability.
Color and Markings
Usually, Morgan Horse breeds are shady, solid colors even though there is no authorized breed standard for right colors. There are breeders who concentrate on producing the Morgan Horse breeds with color furs.
Male Morgan Horse are called a stallion. Female Morgan Horse are called a mare. Young male Morgan Horse are called a colt. Young female Morgan Horse are called a filly. Small horses are called Ponies. The variety standard of the Morgan Horse breed is very precise and outlines the perfect qualities of the Morgan Horse breed. The head of the Morgan Horse breed is refined and chiseled, and ears are small and well formed. The Morgan Horse have an elegant, strong and flexible neck. The body of the Morgan Horse breed is typically compact, suggesting power and nimbleness with a fair-haired curls and tail. The legs are strong, but sophisticated.
A Morgan Horse is a mammal. Morgan Horses are herbivorous animals (a herbivore, eats leaves, grass, hay and furns (plant eaters). A Morgan Horse has surprisingly big eyes and have one of the biggest eyes amongst mammals. The eyes can give a Morgan Horse with almost 360 degree vision at times. The average weight for Morgan Horse between 900 and 1100 lb (410 to 500kg). The standard size of a Morgan Horse breed average height is 14 to 15 hands (56" to 60" inches, 158 to 172 cm). Generally, the Morgan Horse breed offers an impression of power, elegance, hardiness and attentiveness.
The sturdy, compact body and sophisticated and orderly top line are unique. The Morgan Horse have a big expressive eye. The Morgan Horse are obedient and brave, even though some people say they boast an obstinate streak. The Morgan Horse behavior is pompous and alert, and they bear their tails and heads elegantly. The Morgan Horse are recognized to be easy keepers, not needing pampering or special care. Morgan horse breeds are well-disciplined and adaptable horses with a muscular build and outstanding stamina.
The Morgan Horse breed is strong, athletic and true. The Morgan Horse breeds are courageous and enthusiastic to please. The Morgan Horse breed has a status for cleverness, inquisitiveness and a good nature. The Morgan Horse are active and hard working.
The Morgan Horse breed is recognized for its adaptability, and is used in many Western and English events. The Morgan Horse have been productively shown in several disciplines, including show jumping, dressage, Western pleasure, endurance riding and cutting. The Morgan Horse are as well, employed as stock horses and for driving and pleasure riding. The Morgan Horse are recurrently found in driving competitions, including carriage driving and combined driving.
The Morgan Horse is a amazing animal, a Morgan Horse can sleeping by standing up in normal position or lying down. A male Morgan Horse has more teeth than a female horses. An adult male Morgan Horse usually have 40 teeth and a females usually has 36 teeth. A Morgan Horse on average only sleeps between 2 1/2 to 3 hours in a day and will sleep longer in the summer than in the winter.
Two fur color genes found in Morgan Horse breeds have been connected with hereditary disorders. One is the hereditary ocular disease, multiple inborn ocular anomalies, which is featured by the irregular development of a few ocular tissues, and results in compromised vision. Although the disease is mild in nature, it is non-progressive. The average lifetime of the Morgan Horse breed ranges from is 25 years to 30 years. A Morgan Horse hooves are made from the same protein that human hair and fingernails are made of. Morgan Horses brain take up less space in their head than their teeth do. Morgan Horses do not breath through their mouth, they only breath through the nose. A Morgan Horse doesn't have a gall bladder. A Morgan Horse have a better senses of hearing or smell than humans. Morgan Horses ears can turn in different directions to give them better hearing.