Momo Botan
Category: Pond Plants
The Momo Botan is a popular lotus plant among pond builders and pond owners. It is one of the most favorite among the lotus plant family. This hardy pond plant is spectacular and is known to look so attractive in a given water garden environment. This plant is probably the most famous with the American population. This beautiful double petals plant has its blossoms busting into a dark rosy pinkish color. It is known to be an excellent bloomer.
The bloomers season of this aquatic plant can last longer in comparison to the blooming seasons of other lotus plants varieties. The blooming of a Momo Botan lotus can sometimes occur during the month of September. During the nights, the Momo Botan's dark, rosy pinkish flowers stay open throughout the whole time.
The dark rosy pinkish Momo Botan is a perennial hardy plant of zone four to eleven. This means that this type of plant can survive in a much cooler environment as well as a hotter one. In addition, it can be able to handle either full or partial sunlight. These attractive pinkish lotus bloom plants can grow to a height of approximately two inches.
The Momo Botan aquatic pond plant has become a popular species in many water gardens as well. Like all aquatic plants, the Momo Botan lotus is a fragrant, cold and hardy lotus plant. It is important to note that, once this plant has been established in a water garden environment, it may be almost impossible to destroy.
The Momo Botan, when established, may grow in water for about two inches up and two feet deep in the waters. This plant can do well in a small pond size garden. It can also be grown in containers as well. The Momo Botan plant has featured in many of the Japanese landscape paintings of the Japanese Koi ponds.