Greenlan Shark
Category: Shark
Facts about Greenlan Shark, "Scientific name for Greenlan Shark is Somniosus microcephalus" The Greenland shark is a big shark that hails from the North Atlantic Ocean around Greenland, Canada and Iceland. The Greenlan Shark belongs to the family of sleeper sharks that lives farther than any other shark variety. This variety of the Greenlan Shark embraces the world record for having the most poisonous meat of any shark variety.
Appearance of Greenlan Shark
The Greenland shark is one among the biggest and thickest living varieties of sharks in terms of the size when compared to the dimensions the great white sharks. The Greenlan Shark breeds grow to a length that ranges from 8 to 9 1/4 inches (2.44 m to 4.8 m) and carry a body weight of 880 pounds 9400 kg). Usually, male Greenland sharks are smaller than the females. They appear with a short, circular nose, tiny eyes, and extremely small dorsal and pectoral fins. The openings of the gills of a big size shark are extremely small.
The teeth of the upper jaw of the Greenland Shark are extremely thin and pointed, whereas the teeth of the lower jaw are interlocking and are square and broad. The numbers of teeth on the upper jaw of the Greenlan Shark breed ranges from 48 to 52 teeth, whereas the number of teeth on the lower jaw ranges from 50 to 52, including short, soft cusps that point externally. Teeth in the two parts of the lower jaw are powerfully pitched in conflicting directions. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on on earth. Greenlan Sharks jaws, both the upper and lower jaws move.
Color of Greenlan Shark
The color of the Greenland shark breed can vary from light creamy-gray to blackish-coffee with the uniform colored body. Occasionally, faint dark streaks or whitish spots are found on the rear part of a Greenland Shark.
Reproduction of Greenlan Shark
Usually, the female Greenland Shark does not deposit eggs in the bottom seep, but keep the embryos developing in their bodies so that they are born alive following the development period. Normally, 10 pups for each litter are standard and they born with the body length of 35 1/2 inches (90 cm).
Due to their cold settings, these Greenland Shark breeds are believed to grow at an extremely slow rate. Though is no consistent information on their lifetime, but according to the recent study, a completely matured Greenland shark has an average lifespan of 16 years.
There are over 400 types of sharks, Greenlan Sharks skin is made of denticles instead of scales like other fish. The denticles are constructed like hard, sharp teeth (tooth-like projection) and this helps to protect the shark from being injury. The Greenlan Shark is carnivores meaning: an animal that feeds on flesh (Meat).