Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)
Category: Tetra Fish

Glowlight tetra refers to a small tropical fish that is commonly found in the Essequibo River in Guyana, South America. Its scientific name is Hemigrammus erythrozonus.
The glowlight tetra has a silver-colored body with an orange to red stripe that extends from the snout all the way to the base of the tail. The front of its dorsal fin has the same coloration as that of its stripe. The pelvic fin and the pectoral fin have silver to transparent coloration.
Behavioral Pattern
Compared to other species, the Hemigrammus erythrozonus is a relatively calm and peaceful shoaling fish. This is why it is preferred as an ideal community tank fish. Because of its peaceful disposition, it is usually kept together with some other non-aggressive varieties.
The glowlight tetra is a rather medium sized species that grows to between 4 and 5 centimeters in length. They are larger in size when compared to varieties as the cardinal and neon tetras. When kept in good conditions, this type of fish can live even up to four years.
The Water Condition
For this type of fish to grow well, they need water that has a mixture of both softness and hardness with a dGH of between 6 and 15 degrees. The water should also have an acidity level that ranges from pH 6.0 to 7.5. They prefer areas with a temperature of about 25 degree Celsius. Because of its hardiness, this fish can be able to adapt and survive in a variety of aquatic conditions.
Glowlight tretra is generally classified as an omnivore and as such, eats a variety of foods including vegetables and living organisms.
Gender Identification and Reproduction
The females are larger with a fat body while the male species are much more slender. In a single spawn, the female glowlight tetra releases around 120 to 150 eggs for fertilization by the male.