Gelbvieh Cow
Category: Cattle - Cow
Facts about Gelbvieh Cows, "Scientific name for cow is Bos primingenious". A Gelbvieh Cow first originated as a combined beef, milk and draft animal. It was popularly known as a typical all-purpose breed that was developed in Bavaria.
The Gelbvieh Cow breed can be black to dark red to even golden in color. In this modern days about 80% of the Gelbvieh Cow population have black color coat. The Gelbvieh Cow are typically a horned breed, but majority of today’s cattle are homozygous polled. The Gelbvieh Cow breed adapts well to the various climatic conditions. It can withstand the cold temperatures during the winter season as well as having this short yet slick hair during the hot summers.
A mature bull can weigh up to 2200 pounds (1000 kg) while the cow can average 1650 pounds (750 kg) and the calves at birth weigh 83 pounds (37.6 kg).
The Gelbvieh Cow breed are moderate in size, have a well balanced body that is long and heavily muscled.
The Gelbvieh Cow are quite good in temperament, and so easy to handle. The Gelbvieh Cow have good maternal traits, excellent mothering instincts. The Gelbvieh Cow have good udders and produce large quantities of milk.
Gelbvieh calves are small at birth, this makes it easier for the delivery, and this breed is considered second after Shorthorns for the unassisted births. Once the calf is born it gains tremendous weight very fast.
The Gelbvieh Cow have the earliest puberty compared to any other beef breeds (second only to the Jersey)
The Gelbvieh Cow have high tick resistance and heat tolerance. One of their greatest character is that when bitten by a tick, blood flow though the bitten region is constricted starving the tick.
Just like many other cattle breed, Gelbvieh depends on pasture to take care of most of their dietary needs. A big field with plenty of pasture can cater for this, but in case land is minimal hay will suffice. When feeding on hay, you will need to supplement the animal with mineral and salts depending on the type of the cattle and the need for the salt.
Cattle always require plenty of clean fresh water; consumption will depend on the weather of the region.
Health issues
Gelbvieh will require frequent medical check up. You will also need to vaccinate, a professional veterinary will be of great help in such circumstances.
The Gelbvieh Cow are a lean breed; they have the largest rib eye muscle/220 pounds (100 kg). Therefore having a high cutout yield compared to the other breeds.
The Gelbvieh Cow breed is widely being used in cross-breeding programs and due to their hybrid vigor they will help improve carcass quality, and maternal performance.
"Some Cow Facts"
The male Gelbvieh Cows name is called a bull and the young they produce are called calfs. When do Gelbvieh Cows give milk for the first time, after they have given birth to a calf for the first time.
A Gelbvieh Cow can not climb down stairs but it can climb up stairs. It can not climb down because cows knees do not bend the right way for going down stairs. Gelbvieh Cows spends about 5 1/2 to 7 hours every day eating cud (food that has been partly digested and returns from the first stomach of ruminants to the mouth for more chewing) and about 8 hours on chewing it, they have one stomach, but for digestion cows have four digestive compartments called reticulum, rumen, abomasum and omasum.
The cow on average in the United States can produce about 21,000 lbs (9525 kg) of milk in one year, that’s about 2,500 gallons (9463 liter) a year, and for the time of its life on earth, a Gelbvieh Cow can produce about 200,000 glasses of milk. A 1000 pound Gelbvieh Cow in a year can make about 10 tons of manure.
Gelbvieh Cows chew about 50 times per minute. A Cows is considered sacred in the religion Hindu of India. Gelbvieh Cows can drink a about a bathtub full of water a day, which is equivalent to 40 gallons (151.4 Liters)of water a day. The average Gelbvieh Cow in the U.S. Can produces 53 pounds (24 kg) of milk per day, or 6.2 gallons (23.4 Liter). A Gelbvieh Cow gives milk for the first time after giving birth to a calf. It takes about 12 pounds (5.4 kg) of whole milk to make one gallon of ice cream. Gelbvieh Cows can smell something up to 6 miles (9.65 Kilometer) away, they have superior sense of smell.
Gelbvieh Cows can hear frequencies higher and lower much better than humans. Beta carotene found in grass that cows graze on, is where butter gets is natural yellow color. To make one pound of butter it takes 21.2 pounds (9.6 kg) of whole milk.
Gelbvieh Cows have 32 teeth and chew 50 times per minute. Cows live about 5 years, the way you tell the age of a cow that has horns, is by counting the number of rings on the horns.
Gelbvieh Cows have panoramic vision they can see in every direction. 101.5°F (38.6°C) is the average Gelbvieh Cows body temperature. The oldest cow was named Big Bertha, which died just 3 months short of her 49th birthday. Gelbvieh Cows can sleep while standing.