French Landrace Pig
Category: Pig
Facts about French Landrace Pigs. The French Landrace Pig breeds are a huge white color pig breed, which are native to France and hence, that is where they attain the name. Even though the coat and the color of the skin of the French Landrace Pig breed makes it liable to sunburn, it is still considered as being fairly strong and suited to both intensive wide outdoor and indoor production systems. French Landrace Pigs do not sweat a lot, that's why they cover themselves in the mud to keep their bodies cool. The expression "sweating like a pig" comes from a reference to pig iron, which comes form iron smelting. French Landrace Pigs are very intelligent, not like people think, that pigs are dumb animals. A French Landrace Pig can drink between 10 to 14 gallons (37.8 to 53 liters)of water in a day. French Landrace Pigs are omnivores like humans, an omnivores, (definition-they eat both other animals and plants).
The French Landrace Pigs appear with profound drooping ears that point frontward in the trait Landrace manner. The French Landrace Pigs are a type that has been chosen for heavy muscling, skeletal soundness, and for prolificacy. The female French Landrace pigs are said to offer birth at an average of 19.7 pigs for each year in France. The female French Landrace Pig have a good mothering skill that has been particularly stressed. The hams of these pig breeds are bulging and their rump is wide and level, with their loin being extremely muscular.
The French Landrace pig breed is a relatively a modern pig breed, which was one of the famous pig breeds of superior pigs that underwent to have a considerable influence on pig genetics all through the world. The performance characteristics of the French Landrace pig breeds very closely resemble to that of the Large White pigs with which it has been compared time after time. The freedom from fat, the length of carcass, and the bacon quality of these pig breeds have been especially admirable. The efficiency of feed conversion efficiency has been an extremely favorable point, as well for the French Landrace pig breeds.
The Landrace strains of pig were initially brought in France about 1930. It was not pending following the Second World War that wide importations of enrolled stock were made. Those imported stocks came mostly from Sweden. At that point in time, Denmark rather restrained the pig exports. Selection in France was being greatly directed for the pig that matched the production setting and the market necessities of France.
The saliva of French Landrace Pigs contains pheromones-( A chemical substance used to attract a mate) similar to that of other pig breeds that communicate their sexual wants. The male French Landrace Pigs discharge this steroid and female pigs will go to vast lengths to acquire a smell of the sent.
The French Landrace pig breeds have established to be extremely popular for crossbreeding in the France from which it assumes its name. At first, these French Landrace pigs were known as the French Pig of Danish Type and after that these pigs slowly by their existing name of the French Landrace Pig. The French Landrace Pig breed is usually exercised as terminal boars in three-stage cross programs or they used as the sires of crossbred female pigs to be employed in such cross programs. The French Landrace pig breeds have been exported to a lot of other worldwide countries, as well.
Careful pig breed selection programs in the middle of the pig breeders in France have caused a precise strain of the common Landrace category, found so extensively in Europe that constitutes a valuable accumulation to the germ plasm for the breeders who desire the advantages of output and the carcass quality provided by the Landrace pig breeds. In France, in addition to in other countries all over the world, certain exact characteristics have been particularly emphasized and urbanized in the course of true breeding. The French Landrace pig breed as well, became famous for its skill to produce hybrid vitality in crossbreeding, and is regularly used as a terminal sire in fabrication systems.
French Landrace Pigs can carry a variety of diseases and can pass them to humans. French Landrace Pigs have small lungs compared to their body size.
The term Swine: is any variety of omnivorous, even-toed ungulates of the family Suidae, this includes hogs, boars and pigs having a short neck, thick skin a movable snout and a stout body.
French Landrace Pigs unlike is said, happen to be very clean animals. French Landrace Pigs make sure their bathroom area is far away from where they eat, lie down and rest, even piglets (baby pigs) will find a place to go to the bathroom, far away from their nest.
French Landrace Pigs Feet
The four feet and four toes of the pig are called "trotters" that humans eat as a delicacy called pigs feet or pigs knuckles. A French Landrace Pigs foot has four toes that are pointed downwards when the pig walks, it walks on the tips of its toes, rather than its whole foot and only uses two of the toes in the middle and the outside toes for balance. The French Landrace Pig has tougher feet at the ends that are hooves. The two toes in the middle of the foot are slightly webbed, this helps the French Landrace Pigs balance for walking.
The French Landrace Pig snout is its most important tool for finding food. The French Landrace Pigs snout is used for their excellent sense of smell.
French Landrace Pigs are raised for there meat such as ham, sausage, bacon and pork chops. Pigs can make great pets. A wild male pig is called a (boar)- meaning uncastrated male pig, that lives in the wild and can be hunted. Feral pigs (means wild) can be a very big danger where humans habitat.
French Landrace Pigs have 44 teeth when full grown, when they are baby pigs (piglets) the have 28 teeth which will fall out when they are 12 months old. Just like human teeth, the French Landrace Pig has an enamel coating that makes the pigs teeth stronger and helps it curb disease. French Landrace Pigs chew their food because pigs have a digestive system similar to a human digestive system and cannot digest food that is not chewed.
The average weight of the male at slaughteded French Landrace Pig is 350 to 375 pounds (160 to 170 kg).
The French Landrace Pig breed full grown has an average to big-sized body. The French Landrace Pig average mature weight of the female (Sows) 450 to 600 pounds (204 to 272 kg) and the average weight of the male (Boars) is 500 to 700 pounds (226 to 318 kg).
The scientific name for Pig (Sus scrofa), the wild swine (Boar) from the old world with a narrow body and prominent tusks is from where most domestic swine come from and introduced in the United States and bred to what we have as today's pig. The "fear of pigs Swinophobia".