Feather-tail Possum
Category: Marsupial

Facts about Feather-tailed Possum. "Scientific name for Feather-tailed Possum is Distoechurus pennatus". Opossum and is also spelled Possum, "The scientific name for Possum Didelphidae".
The "feather-tailed possum scientific name is Distoechurus pennatus" is a member of the Acrobatidae family and a species of marsupials. Unlike the other members of the family, the feather-tailed possum is the only species in the genus Distoechurus.
Geographical Spread and Habitat of Feather-tailed Possum
Feather-tail possums are commonly found in disturbed secondary forests, scrub forests, rain forests and gardens. You can also spot them in highland rainforests in altitudes of about 1900m above sea level. Region-wise, these animals can be found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and West Papua.
Physical Description and Appearance of Feather-tailed Possum
The Feather-tailed Possum measures about 4 to 5 inches (100 to 120 mm) in body length. It also has a tail length that varies between 2 1/8 to 4 7/8 inches (55 mm to 123 mm). Adult males are heavier than their female counterparts. The males weigh 1.7 to 1.8 to ounces (50 grams against 53 grams) for the female. In terms of coloration, their heads are streaked with white and black bands which extend all the way from the top of the head to the muzzle. Below the ear, the Feather-tailed Possums have a conspicuous black spot. Their overall body color ranges from light brown, dull bluff to slight gray. Their eyes are large and their ears small. They also have sharp and curved claws for clutching on tree branches.
Reproduction of Feather-tailed Possum
Borrowing from its closest and related species the Acrobates pygmaeus, it can be concluded that Feather-tailed Possums are polygynous and attain sexual maturity between 8 months and 1 year. Its litter size depends on factors such as altitude, latitude and ovulation rate. Feather-tailed Possums can either have one or two young ones per litter. In the tropics, breeding can take place at anytime of the year but they mostly give birth in the peak of spring. The Feather-tailed Possum have a lifespan of 1.5 years.
Feeding and Behavioral Patterns of Feather-tailed Possum
Feather-tailed Possums are highly arboreal and nocturnal. Except when breeding, the possums usually lead a solitary life. They eat high energy and protein rich foods including nectar, insects and pollen. The Feather-tailed Possum also feed on exudates and soft fruits.