Delware Chicken
Category: Standard Chickens
Facts about Delaware chicken. The Delaware chicken is a chicken breed that has its origin based in the U.S in a state known as Delaware. Back then it did play a very vital role in the U.S chicken industry, but nowadays it is critically endangered. Primarily it is suited for meat production and it is also a reasonable layer. It was crossed from New Hampshire hens and Barred Plymouth Rock roosters.
Today the Delaware chicken are quite hard to find, as breeding hens are about 400 or less. You can easily be tricked as the Columbian Plymouth Rocks are at times advertised as the Delawares.
Physical Description of Delaware chicken
The male Delaware can weigh up to 8 lbs (4 kg), and 7 lb (3 kg) for the hens. The Delaware chicken is a medium sized breed that has rather large single combs and wattles that are bright red in color. The Delaware chicken is available in one color, that is a white body and breast and with light black barring placed on the ends of the wings, hackle, and tail. All its feathers have white shaft and quill, which when combined with its yellow skin provides cleaner appearing carcass. Just like most of the other chicken breeds, the Delaware chicken contains miniaturized bantam version though they are rare in the market.
Characteristics of Delaware chickens
The Delaware chicken are dual purpose breed that are hardy and mature very quickly. The Delaware chicken hens are good layers, the eggs are quite large can also referred to as jumbo in size and are brown in color. The hen also tend to go broody at some point. The Delaware chicken does really well when kept at free range. In regards to temperament they are calm and not quite friendly though at times they are friendly.
The Delaware chicken are quite noisy and have a bit of an attitude, they are also bossy and aggressive at times so they will need proper care and management.
Delaware chicken do not gain as fast as the other modern industrial stocks that will be ready for the market in just a few weeks, but they are more economical. The Delaware chicken is an excellent dual purpose bird that can be kept at free range.