Crested Bullhead Shark
Category: Shark

Facts about Crested Bullhead Shark, "Scientific name for Crested Bullhead Shark is Heterodontus galeatus". The Crested Bullhead Shark is one of the shark species that you will not have an opportunity to see quite often. It has its dwelling in the bottom of oceans. It is mostly found in the eastern coast of the Land Down Under (Australia). Apart from its scientific name, Heterodontus galeatus, this shark also has other names such as Crested Port Jackson shark and Crested Horn shark.
Physical Appearance and Size of Crested Bullhead Shark
The Crested Bullhead Shark has a light tawny brown coloration coupled with broad bands across the back, tail and head. Generally, bullhead sharks do not have the typical shark appearance. Their movement consists of wiggles similar to those of an eel. The Crested Bullhead Shark have large brows over their eyes and slightly bigger eyes. Their snout is more or less that of a pig with a small mouth positioned on the underside of the head. In length, the Crested Bullhead Shark can grow up to a maximum of 4 feet 9 inches (1.5 meters).
Habitat and Geographical Distribution of Crested Bullhead Shark
The Crested Bullhead Shark is found exclusively on the western Pacific Ocean front. In rare cases you may find it in temperate waters around areas such Queensland, New South Wales and eastern Australia. The Crested Bullhead Shark loves hanging out around the continental shelf up to a depth of 300 ft (91.44 meters). However, the most preferred habitat for the Crested Bullhead Shark is the large algae, rocky reefs and beds of sea grass.
Feeding Pattern of Crested Bullhead Shark
The hunting ground for the Crested Bullhead Sharks is the ocean bottom. They are largely nocturnal and they prey on shellfish, sea urchins, small bony fishes and molluscs. It does not fear peeping between rocky crevices to locate food.
Breeding of Crested Bullhead Shark
Unlike other breeds of sharks whose young ones develop in their bodies, the Crested Bullhead Sharks are purely oviparous. This means that they lay eggs. The egg-laying season spans all the way from July to late August. The eggs have long tendrils at their tips that tie them with sponges and seaweeds for support. They hatch anytime between 5 and 9 months. The juvenile Crested Bullhead Sharks measure about 6 3/4 to 8 3/4 inches (17 to 22 cm) at birth and attain sexual maturity at about 12 years.
There are over 400 types of sharks, Sharks have the most powerful jaws on on earth. Crested Bullhead Sharks jaws, both the upper and lower jaws move. Crested Bullhead Sharks skin is made of denticles instead of scales like other fish. The denticles are constructed like hard, sharp teeth (tooth-like projection) and this helps to protect the Crested Bullhead Shark from being injury.
"Scientific name for Shark Selachimorpha"
"Fear of Sharks Selachophobia"