Chicken Dish (Gluten Free)
Category: Food & Culinary
1. 6 chicken cutlets (pounded) or thinly sliced, if thinly sliced double it.
2. 2 cups of chicken broth
3. 2 cups of Pepperoncici juice
4. Guten free flour
5. Gluten free corn flakes.
6. See salt and pepper (optional)
7. Olive Oil
8. Arborio rice
9. Baby kale
10. Crapers
11. Thinly sliced garlic
Cooking Directions
1. Preheat oven at 400
2. Combine chicken broth, pepperoncici juice thinly sliced garlic and crapers in a 9 X 14 pyrey pan and put in oven
3. Slake chicken in Gluten free flour and Gluten free corn flakes
4. Saute 3 minutes on each side of chicken, in 2 table spoons of olive oil
5. Put chicken in pyrex and let it cook while preparing side dish
Preparing side dish
1. Arborio Rice, cook rice in a pot with suggested rice directions
2. Add 2 cups of baby kale on top of rice
3. Let rice stand for 10 minutes
4. Take chicken out of oven when rice has stood for 10 minutes. Chicken should cook for at least 20 minutes depending on how thick the cutlets are
Take chicken out of oven, stir rice with kale and serve.