Boxwood Green Velvet (Buxus sinica)
Category: Shrubs
Boxwood Green Velvet has a common name of boxwood. It belongs in the family of buxaceae. The tree grows up to 4.00 feet and can spread to the same level. This tree is hardy hybrid which is well suited for use Southeastern of United States. This is because it is tolerant to warm conditions and high humidity.
This is one of the boxwood that gets slightly larger than others. A good thing is that it can be maintained by trimming regularly to get the size that one want. The tree is very beautiful when trimmed and it is very easy to maintain while on low height. It serves its purpose year in year out without wearing down.
The sun should be partial or full though the most preferred one is partial. The suitable soils are sandy loams which are slightly acidic to slightly alkaline ph, with average or medium moisture. It has shallow roots so when a person is cultivating it is good to avoid doing so around the tree so that it cannot dry up. However, roots appreciate good mulch.
In order to improve air circulation, one should remove thin and dead branches once per year. The tree is tolerant of pruning and shearing. During winter seasons, the trees branches are damaged if the accumulation of snow is not quickly removed.
Boxwood green velvet has dark green leaves which are evergreen. The flowers are insignificant and pale green in color.
When this tree is exposed to full sun and harsh winter winds, the foliage turns into brownish-yellow. But there are some that are resistant to this. It is not affected by serious insects or diseases. When the soils are poorly drained, roots rot can be a big problem. The insects that affect boxwood green velvet are boxwood leaf miner, boxwood mite and pxyllids.