Black-capped Squirrel Monkey
Category: Monkeys
Facts about Black-capped squirrel monkey. "Scientific name for Black-capped squirrel monkey is Saimiri boliviensis". The Black-capped squirrel monkey is a New World monkey variety that belongs to the genus Saimiri of the Cebidae family. The Black-capped squirrel monkeys are native to South America, and they are largely found in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, and they are also called as the Peruvian Squirrel Monkey and the Bolivian Squirrel Monkey. The Black-capped squirrel monkey variety is a popular animal that can be seen in many zoos all over the world. The Black-capped squirrel monkeys are the common affiliates of the Squirrel Monkey family. The appearance of these monkeys will slightly differ according to the region they are located. However, except some minor variations in color, there is no much difference between other varieties, and hence they are categorized as a single species.
Features of Black-capped squirrel monkey
An adult Black-capped Squirrel Monkey is capable of attaining a body length, ranging from 10 1/2 to 12 1/2 inches (26.6 to 31.7 cm), with a maximum body weight of 2 pounds (.90kg). The coat of the Black-capped squirrel monkey variety, is a combination of tan and gold shades. They have a dark brown or black color around their nose and mouth, whereas the fur surrounding their eyes is white in color.
One among the major ways to differentiate the Black-capped Squirrel Monkey from other varieties of squirrel monkeys is from the white color cover around its eyes. The cover of other monkey varieties has a striking V-shape between their eyes, whereas the white color mask of this monkey has a circular shape.
The fur on top of the mask of the female Black-capped squirrel monkeys is gray in color, whereas it is black in color in the males. The Black-capped squirrel monkeys have an extremely elongated tail, with a black color tip. Their tails are visibly thinner than other varieties of monkeys in their family. The Black-capped squirrel monkeys contain the largest brains among all primates with respect to the weight of their body, which is about 4 % to 5% of their body mass.
Diet of Black-capped squirrel monkey
The Black-Capped Squirrel Monkey feeds on both animals and plants, as it is an omnivorous animal. This monkey chiefly feeds on gums and fruits, but it also feeds on frogs, bird eggs, spiders, and other small animals and insects. In spite of having special adjustments to access plants, the Black-capped squirrel monkey has a very varied diet and will happily feed on whatever food resource is more readily accessible.
Behavior of Black-capped squirrel monkey
The Black-Capped Squirrel Monkey is an outgoing, social animal that prefers to live in huge groups, usually ranging from 40 to 50 monkeys, even though occasionally bigger groups of 200 or more monkeys used to occur. Not like some animals, in the group of the Black-capped squirrel monkey variety more than one male monkey is permitted to reside with the group, with male infant monkeys habitually remaining with their family group pending they attain the age of 4 years to 5 years. After that, the male infants generally go away from the family group to survive with other bachelor monkeys. Usually, female monkeys stay with their associated family groups.
Breeding of Black-capped squirrel monkey
Breeding season in the Black-Capped Squirrel Monkey is limited to only three months of the year. The grown-up male monkeys reside inside a subgroup, which is separated from the infants and female monkeys. The male Black-capped squirrel monkey used to mate with one female monkey during each mating period. Only the most leading male monkeys assume multiple mating associates in each season.
The maximum lifespan of the Black-Capped Squirrel Monkey is 25 years in the wild, whereas in the captive, they live up to 30 years.
Monkey meaning (any mammal of the order Primates), this includes the macaques, capuchins, guenons and langurs, this excludes humans, the anthropoid apes, and, usually, the prosimians and tarsier.