Black Spot Surgeonfish
Category: Aquarium Fish Other
Facts about Black Spot Surgeonfish. "Scientific name for Black Spot Surgeonfish is Acanthurus". The Black Spot Surgeonfish is a humid fish variety that belongs to the Acanthuridae family. The Black Spot Surgeonfish varieties are native to Sumatra in Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia, China, Australia, Solomon Islands, Taiwan and they are also commonly called the Black-spot Tang, Eye-spot surgeonfish, and Bariene surgeonfish. The Black Spot Surgeonfish breed is a hard-to-locate treasure for advanced aquarists.
Features of the Black Spot Surgeonfish
The Black Spot Surgeonfish breed is a big-sized, semi-violent marine fish that attains a maximum body length of 20 inches (51 cm) when matured. Though juvenile fish may not feature an obvious coloration, the matured ones develop gorgeous orange accent marks beside deep blacks, blues and browns.
About the Black Spot Surgeonfish
Black Spot Surgeonfish breeds are rarely found in fish markets, whereas juveniles are bred for the aquarium business. Even though this fish breed is targeted at regions where overfishing and prohibited fishing practices are recognized to take place.
Aquarium care of the Black Spot Surgeonfish
Test the water when preparing your tank for your Black Spot Surgeonfish: You will need to purchase a liquid tester so that you can test for Nitrates and Ammonia. The strip-style test kits are unreliable and a waste of money. You should use a dechlorinating product to remove the harmful chlorine from the water. Test for nitrite, ammonia, and proper pH between 8.1 and 8.4.. The ammonia should always be 0, the nitrite should be 0, and the nitrate should preferably be below 20 ppm. If it's at or above 40 parts per million (ppm), you have too many fish or are not changing the water often enough. Cycling your tank is important, Follow the steps to cycle your tank. This establishes healthy bacterial and chemical levels.
Remove 30% of the water from your Black Spot Surgeonfish tank each month with new water, or a 15% water change every 2 weeks is ideal for keeping nitrates lower. With corals in the fish tank, then 20% water change every month, or 10% change every 2 weeks.
Aquariums of the Black Spot Surgeonfish
When maintained in an aquarium, these fish varieties prefer a bigger aquarium with huge amounts of live rock to offer an abundance of swimming space in addition to the territories in the live rock. The Black Spot Surgeonfish breeds normally prefer an aquarium with a minimum size of 150 gallons (568 liters), with the temperature of the water ranging from 72 to 78 degree Fahrenheit (22 to 25 cel).
Natural habitat of the Black Spot Surgeonfish
Matured Black Spot Surgeonfish live in deeper waters at a depth more than 30 feet (10 meters) and extending to a minimum depth of 165 feet (50 meters) on external reef slopes and drop offs. Juvenile Black Spot Surgeonfish can be seen in shallow secluded reefs, at a depth between 6 inches to10 feet (0.2 meters to 3 meters) between soft coral. Their natural habitat is largely found in outer reef walls and deeper coastal reef slopes.
The Black Spot Surgeonfish breed shows varying levels of territory preference and the use of coral reef homes, with a few species spending most of their life periods on the coral reef, whereas others chiefly use sea grass beds, algal beds, mangroves, and, or rock-strewn reefs.
Diet of the Black Spot Surgeonfish
Black Spot Surgeonfish breeds are herbivores (an animal that feeds on plants), and they feed on algae film on exposed rocks and sand in the wild. In the aquarium, they are fed with meaty foods together with the other fish varieties. They are also fed with plenty of sea based seaweed and algae.
The average lifespan of the Black Spot Surgeonfish breed ranges from 3 years to 5 years.