Bar Harbor Juniper Shrub
Category: Shrubs
Facts about Bar Harbor Juniper shrubs. "Scientific name for Bar Harbor Juniper shrubs is Juniperus horizontalis". Bar Harbor Juniper shrub is a low-growing shrub, native to northern United States and Canada. It is commonly known as the creeping juniper, it has a blue greenish color that turns reddish purple during the winter season. The Bar Harbor Juniper shrub is typically male, though both female and male forms are available.
Characteristics of the Bar Harbor Juniper shrubs
The Bar Harbor Juniper shrub will grow to about 1’ feet (.30 meters) in height at full maturity, and can have a spread of 6’ to 8’ feet (1.82 to 2.43 meters). The Bar Harbor Juniper shrubs grows with height increases of up to 24 inches (61 cm) per year. This is typically a non flowering shrub so it has no bloom period but the foliage does provide a beautiful appearance. Bar Harbor Juniper shrub generally grows well in gravelly and sandy soils; they can also grow in stream banks, sand dunes and prairies. The foliage is scale-like in mature plants and with some awl-like needles that appear in opposite pairs.
Bar Harbor Juniper shrub is relatively a fast growing male cultivator that can tolerate the hot, dry sites and the coastal sites within the range of salt spray.
The Bar Harbor Juniper shrub is a good rock cover that can also be used to prevent erosion in sloppy grounds.
Problems of the Bar Harbor Juniper shrubs
There are no serious disease or insects problems that are related to the Bar Harbor Juniper shrubs. Generally Junipers are susceptible to blights particularly during the rainy or wet springs. Rust diseases such as the Cedar-apple spend some part of their life cycle on the Bar Harbor Juniper shrub. At times root rot might occur; this is quite common especially in wet and poorly drained soils. Occasionally they can be attacked by pests such as bag-worms, aphids, scale, and web-worm. You should also watch out for spider mites.
The Bar Harbor Juniper shrub is quite easy to maintain as it just need to be shaped once in a while to achieve a desired shape out of it. It is a colorful shrub that generally requires medium watering and is tolerant even to air pollution.
The Bar Harbor Juniper shrubs can grow in Hardiness Zones 3 to 9.