Asian Box Turtle
Category: Turtle
Facts about Asian Box Turtles. "Scientific name for Asian box turtle is Cuora flavomarginata". Asian Box Turtle is Sometimes called (ambos), the Asian Box Turtles have a dark brown or black carapace-(shell). They are found in the low land tropical rain forest of South East Asia.
This Asian box turtle has a highly domed semi-elongated shell. The upper jaw has a slight hook, the toes are a little webbed, their skin and limbs are black or faded black. The Asian Box Turtle have a light yellow to bright greenish yellow extending strip streak on their neck to each eye. The growth rings (annuli=A ring-shaped object) are usually quite unique and the central ring over the head. The head is grayish on top, and the face is peach to pinkish tan. The young may be yellowish (the carapace "shell" of the young turtles is very rough).
This turtles species is from the Geoemydidae family. The name of the Asian box turtle comes from having the ability to box itself up completely inside its shell. This is due to the hinged lower shell, their head can be folded up when it is withdrawn into the shell. This gives Asian Box Turtles the secure protection from any predators.
The female Asian box turtle has a flat plastron (plastron is black rimmed with yellowish) and the males usually have a little more of posterior lobe of their concave plastron, Males are slightly larger on average than females. Males tails are thicker and longer. The average length is about 7 inches (17.8 cm). Hatch-lings are usually about about 1 1/2 inches (3.8 cm) long.
Asian box turtles in captivity and the wild eat worms and insects, puppy food, some fruits, squash and a romaine lettuce, waxworms, mealworms, night crawlers, turtle pellets and other commercial turtle foods, tomatoes, bananas, watermelon, strawberries and blueberries. The Asian Box Turtle will eat both in and out of the water. Variety is always the best idea. Also add multivitamins and calcium powder to make sure your turtles gets the proper nutrition.
During times of drought or cold weather, the Asian Box Turtle burrows deep down enough to completely cover themselves. A life span is usually around 45 to 60 years but they have been known to live longer. The Asian box turtle is a very good swimmer, and a lot of times in the wild they will find water to get away from predators.
Asia box turtles find a moist and well drained area, and use their hind legs to build a nest. They lay from 1 to 5 eggs at a time. They can have more than on nest per year. Incubation period is about 76 days.