Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish
Category: Aquarium Fish Other
Facts about Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish. "Scientific name for Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish is Arothron nigropunctatus". Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish is also known as the Black-spotted puffer fish is known to be a demersal Marine fish which belongs to the family of fish known as the Tetraodontidae. The origin of the Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish is Indonesia, Solomon Islands.
About Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish
The Arothron Dog Face Puffer fish acquires its name from its closeness to canines. It is known to change its appearance during various divisions of life.
Features of the Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish
The skin of the Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish is not covered with scales like most of the fish species. However, the body is greatly colored and strewed with dark gray or yellow spots which vary greatly in shape and size. The body is colored with variable background colorization of either light brown, bluish dark , blue, orange yellow, light yellow or grey and sometimes multi-colors of yellow and blue. Around the fish’s mouth and eyes is a dark colorization. The Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish is a small- sized fish with a spherical, oval-shaped, laterally elongated body which grows only to lengths of about 12 inches (33 cm).
The Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish has symmetrical, small anal and dorsal fins which are located at the end of the body and without lateral and pelvic fins. Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish has two pairs of nostrils with a short snout and a concluding mouth with four strong teeth. The pectoral fins usually have a yellow display with a yellow colored belly and a darkish-grey overcoat cover. It is important to note that, the Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish rarely changes phase while in the reef aquarium.
Aquarium of the Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish
Since the Arothron Dog Face Puffer is a larger fish only carnivorous aquarium or a 150 gallon (568 liters) tank aquarium is best for keeping the fish. In addition, the fish makes great, unusual presentation and personality in the aquarium to which it is kept. Water Conditions in the aquarium, temperature 72 to 78 F° (22 to 25 C°), dKH 8 to 12, sg 1.020-1.025.
Aquarium care Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish
Test the water when preparing your tank for your Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish: You will need to purchase a liquid tester so that you can test for Nitrates and Ammonia. The strip-style test kits are unreliable and a waste of money. You should use a dechlorinating product to remove the harmful chlorine from the water. Test for nitrite, ammonia, and proper pH 8.1-8.4,. The ammonia should always be 0, the nitrite should be 0, and the nitrate should preferably be below 20 ppm. If it's at or above 40 parts per million (ppm), you have too many fish or are not changing the water often enough. Cycling your tank is important, Follow the steps to cycle your tank. This establishes healthy bacterial and chemical levels.
Remove 30% of the water from your Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish tank each month with new water, or a 15% water change every 2 weeks is ideal for keeping nitrates lower. With corals in the fish tank, then 20% water change every month, or 10% change every 2 weeks.
Diet of the Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish
The Arothron Dog Face Puffer fish usually uses its anal, dorsal and pectoral fins as their means to crush their prey. The Arothron Dog Face Puffer Fish can feed on invertebrates in reef tank aquariums, krill, clams, squids and shrimps.