Arabian Tang (Acanthurus sohal)
Category: Aquarium Fish Other
The Arabian Tang fish can be found in solitude or sometimes in huge aggregations in habitats like in the Arabian Sea, in the waters off Sri Lanka, Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, to the Persian Gulf. The fish was known to have inhabited the coral reefs just before the plateau of the Red Sea where they were traced to depths of less than sixty five inches below the waters. An adult Arabian tang can grow up to a length of approximately seven to ten inches.
The Arabian Tang species have varied colorization of the body. The colors range from yellow to blue to purple and with a yellow tail depending on the adult juveniles. The Arabian tang is one of the most popular tangs of the large reef aquariums priced for its colorization.
The Arabian Tang tend to do well in huge aquariums where it gets ample space for swimming and with other aggressive fish species. If you consider keeping the fish, it is important that you provide plenty free space for swimming with several hiding sports and great lightening. The fish can be an attractive addition rewarding to any large fish reef aquarium or tank. However, the fish can be aggressive and cannot do well with other tank mates of similar body shapes.
Although the Arabian Tang can feed on meaty foods like the rest of the other fish in the reef aquarium, it is important that you feed your fish with plenty of marine based algae and seaweed including Seaweed Salad and Sea Veggies . The ocean based nutrition can help you to reduce the fish’s aggression, strengthen the immune system and improve its health. You can consider tying dried seaweed or algae to the rocks in the aquarium or by using a veggie clip to help you feed your fish.