Tropheus Moorii Fish
Category: Aquarium Fish Other

Tropheus moorii is a variety of cichlid types of fish that comes from the Cichlidae family. These fish varieties hail from the rock-strewn coastal waters of Lake Tanganyika in Africa. Usually, they prefer a grimy bottom of aragonite to preserve the required high pH and alkalinity, with the temperature of the water ranging from 72 degree Fahrenheit to 82 degree Fahrenheit.
The Tropheus moorii variety is a semi-violent fish and has a maximum body length of 5 inches. They have entirely black-colored body, except for a yellow perpendicular band that runs along the complete width of the fish in the middle part of their body. These fish varieties have the amazing skill to conceal this band when harassed. Similar to other varieties in the Tropheus genus, these fish breeds are very aggressive towards their individual kind, and are supposed to be housed in clusters of six or more fish.
The Tropheus Moorii fish variety is supposed to be maintained in an aquarium with a minimum capacity of 50 gallons, ideally in a huge number of the same varieties, or with other slighter semi-violent Malawian or Tanganyikan cichlids. The tank should be incorporated with an abundance of African driftwood and rocks to build caves for shelter and hiding purposes. They are one among the more complicated varieties to decide their sex. Usually, the male breeds grow faster than the female ones and boast a deeper body.
Tropheus moorii fish varieties are herbivores, and they feed on filamentous algae on the rock-strewn shallows where they live in. In the aquarium, they are fed with dried romaine or seaweed lettuce together with pellet or vegetable-based flake food.
The Tropheus moorii fish is an extremely sluggish growing variety, which may take some years to attain sexual maturity. Tropheus moorii fish varieties are maternal mouth brooders, so their eggs are fertilized and carried in the mouth of the female fish while they hatch and grow. Breeding in this fish variety is more complicated than other cichlid fish varieties. So, in order to boost the chance of spawning, a male fish should be accommodated with 5 or 6 female fish in the aquarium. Incubation takes place in about 28 days. The fry is fed with finely compressed flake food for the initial few months pending they gain an interest in lettuce or seaweed.
The average lifespan of the Tropheus moorii fish breed ranges from 5 years to 8 years.