Tamworth Pig
Category: Pig

Facts about Tamworth Pigs. The Tamworth is a domestic pig breed that is a native of Tamworth in the United Kingdom. The Tamworth Pig is the oldest among the pig breeds, but as with several older breeds of domestic animals, Tamworth Pigs are not compatible with modern production techniques. The Tamworth Pig breed is considered vulnerable in the United Kingdom and threatened in the United States. The Tamworth Pig breed is of ginger to red shadow and is believed to have descended from untamed boars, through the resident pig stock of Europe. Nowadays, most of the Tamworth Pig breeds are found in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Tamworth Pig breed is also called as Tam and Sandy Back.
Appearance of Tamworth Pig
The Tamworth Pig breed appears with an extended head shape and a long thin body. The ears of the breed are vertical and pointed, whereas the face and the nose contain rectilinear lines. The color of the Tamworth Pig breed varies from pale gingery to shady mahogany red. Early in the history of the Tamworth Pig breed, the colors of the breed were purple and orange, but reproduction has been conducted to eliminate the orange coloration. The density of their hair defends their skin against ultraviolet harm from the sun. However, when the Tamworth Pig breeds molt between June and August months, shade is sought together with copious sludge covering to prevent the sunburn. The sludge covering also offers a way for the Tamworth Pig to cool down, as they cannot sweat.
Body structure of Tamworth Pig
Tamworth Pig breeds are the medium-sized porcine breeds. The weight of the fully grown Tamworth breed ranges from 550 to 830 pounds (250 to 375 kg), whereas the weight of the mature sow ranges from 440 to 660 pounds (200 to 272 kg). When the breed is matured, it attains the body length that ranges from 40 to 55 inches (100 to 140 cm) and a height ranges from 20 to 26 inches (50 to 65 cm) with a 9 1/2 to 12 inches (24 to 30 cm) long, curled tail. The Tamworth Pig breed is distinguished by having long legs and a long neck, and by narrow backs, but deep sides. The structures of its ham are fairly strong and rigid. The Tamworth Pig breed is also recognized for having a good skeletal system and an outstanding foot structure. Litter sizes are normally smaller than the commercial varieties. Objectionable features consistent with breed aficionados include coarse mane, curly hair, and dark spots on the fur and turned up snout.
Temperament of Tamworth Pig
The most outstanding feature of the Tamworth Pig breed is its immense hardiness regarding unfavorable climates. Thus, the breed performs well in its more northerly locations such as Canada and Scotland, where winters are harsh, not only in terms of cold, but in terms of high winds, too. The Tamworth Pig is not only strong and rough, but it is extremely suitable for woods grazing, being capable of thriving on bracken. The Tamworth Pig breed compatibly grazes with cattle, being capable of retrieving forage that cattle abandon in the open meadow. Tamworth Pig breeds can be defensive of their areas, thus somewhat violent towards any other cattle in the same meadow. The Tamworth Pig breed is extremely efficient at mining when rooting for provisions in the woods or meadow. The sows show fine maternal skills, being constant in suckling all litter-mates. Normally, litters vary in dimension from six to ten piglets. Usually, piglets at birth are untamed and cautious of humans, but fine-tune to human communication easily. Tamworth Pig breeds show a good nature and take pleasure in the attention of humans. They are prepared for slaughter from 25 weeks to 30 weeks.
Health of Tamworth Pig
The babies of Tamworth breeds are very susceptible to anemia, so supplemental iron is provided for farm-born piglets. There are vaccines for numerous swine-connected diseases, such as swine influenza and hog cholera. The average lifespan of the Tamworth pig breed ranges from 10 years to 15 years.
more Facts of Tamworth Pigs
In the world there is about 2 billion pigs in the world. Tamworth Pigs are very intelligent, not like everybody thinks, that they are dumb animals. Tamworth Pigs are omnivores like humans, an omnivores, (definition-they eat both other animals and plants). The pig’s snout is its most important tool for finding food. The Tamworth Pigs snout is used for their excellent sense of smell.
Tamworth Pigs are raised for there meat such as ham, sausage, bacon and pork chops. Pigs can make great pets. A wild pig is called a (boar) that lives in the wild and can be hunted. Feral pigs (means wild) can be a very big danger where humans habitat. Tamworth Pigs can carry a variety of diseases and can pass them to humans. Pigs have small lungs compared to their body size.
Swine: is any variety of omnivorous, even-toed ungulates of the family Suidae, this includes hogs, boars and pigs having a short neck, thick skin a movable snout and a stout body. Tamworth Pigs unlike is said, happen to be very clean animals. Tamworth Pigs make sure their bathroom area is far away from where they eat Lie down, rest even piglets (baby pigs) will find a place to go to the bathroom, far away from their nest.
The four feet of the Tamworth Pig are called "trotters" that humans eat as a delicacy called pigs feet or pigs knuckles. A Tamworth Pigs foot has four toes that are pointed downwards when the pig walks it walks on the tips of its toes, rather than its whole foot and only uses two of the toes and the outside toes for balance. The Tamworth Pig has tougher feet at the ends are hooves. The two toes in the middle of the foot are slightly webbed helps the Tamworth Pigs balance for walking.
Tamworth Pigs have 44 teeth when full grown, when they are baby pigs (piglets) the have 28 teeth which will fall at when they are 12 months old. Just like human teeth, the Tamworth Pig has an enamel coating that makes the pigs teeth stronger and helps it curb disease. Tamworth Pigs chew their food because pigs have a digestive system similar to a human digestive system and cannot digest food that is not chewed.
A pig is the last of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. The pig is represents, happiness, honesty, fortune and virility in China. The number of baby's that a pig has is 6 to 12 and they are called (piglets). A female adult pig is called a (sow) and the male adult pig is called a (boar).
A Pig can drink 14 gallons of water in a day. The Mini Maialino is the smallest breed of pig. Truffle Mushroom hunters in France and Italy use pigs to hunt Truffle Mushrooms because of there keen sense of smell, the problem is that, sometimes if the hunter doesn't grab the mushrooms in time, the pig will eat it. Sometimes certain dogs are used instead of pigs.
The scientific name for Pig (Sus scrofa), the wild swine (Boar) from the old world with a narrow body and prominent tusks is from where most domestic swine come from and introduced in United States and bred to what we have as today's pig. The "fear of pigs Swinophobia".