Silvertip Shark
Category: Shark

Facts about Silvertip Shark, "Scientific name for Silvertip Shark is Carcharhinus albimarginatus". The Silvertip Shark was first described by Eduard Ruppell in 1837.
The Silvertip Shark is a species of requiem or resting shark. They grow up to ten feet (3 meters) long. Female Silvertip Sharks are larger than the males.
The Sivertip shark primarily lives in the tropical portions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Their habitat is primarily coral reefs at depths of one hundred to a thousand feet (30 to 304 meters), but they can dive down to at least 2,600 feet (792 meters). The Silvertip Shark are one of the top predators in their habitat, feeding on bony fishes, cephalopods like squid and cuttlefish and even smaller sharks. In open waters, the Silvertip Shark tend to follow dolphins while they are followed by pilot fish.
While the Silvertip Shark are the apex predator of their territory, they are hunted by commercial fisheries for their meat, their skin for leather making, their cartilage for arthritis supplements and other body parts. Their large first dorsal fin is especially prized for Asian soups. The Silvertip Shark have free pectoral fin tips. Silvertip sharks are primarily blue and gray on top and white on the bottom, but they have white tips and borders on all of their fins, giving the species its name.
It resembles the grey reef shark but is slightly smaller. The Silvertip Shark have a long, broad snout. Silvertip Shark have a dozen rows of teeth on both sides of their jaw with one or two teeth between these rows.
Silvertips are viviparous, and they give birth seasonally. They give birth to anywhere from one to ten pups in the summer. The Silvertip Shark are a slower reproducing species than most of their family and heavily hunted, which is why they were listed as nearly threatened.
The Silvertip Shark is aggressive, and territorial behavior has been observed. Silvertip sharks are unique in that their threat displays involve shivering the body after gaping its jaws. This is thought to emphasize the fin markings. The Silvertip Shark are found individually or sometimes in pairs, though they will sometimes school with grey reef sharks.
There are over 400 types of sharks, Sharks have the most powerful jaws on on earth. Silvertip Sharks jaws, both the upper and lower jaws move. Silvertip Sharks skin is made of denticles instead of scales like other fish. The denticles are constructed like hard, sharp teeth (tooth-like projection) and this helps to protect the Silvertip Shark from being injury. The Silvertip Shark is carnivores meaning: an animal that feeds on flesh (Meat).