New Mexico
Category: New Mexico

New Mexico with the postal abbreviation NM is one among the 50 states in the United States, situated in the western and southwest parts of the country. Usually, the state is considered one among the Mountain States in the country. The eastern boundary of the state lies along the Oklahoma state, and five kilometers west of the Texas state. On the southern boundary, the Texas State structures the two-thirds of the eastern part, whereas the Mexican states of Sonora and Chihuahua construct the western one-third, with Chihuahua constructing 90% of that. The southwestern bend of the state of New Mexico is called the Bootheel. The states, such as Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona come jointly at the Four Corners in the northwestern bend of the state. Even though New Mexico is a big state, it has modest water. New Mexico is the 36th most crowded, the 5th most wide-ranging and the 6th least thickly populated among the 50 states of the country.
New Mexico was the 47th state admitted to the union on the 6th of January 1912. The total land area of New Mexico is 121,590 square miles, which offers the state an area rank of 5 out of the available 50 states in the United States. In addition, water surface occupies 293 square miles of the total area of the state within its boundaries. There are 33 counties in New Mexico among which the Cibola County was the most recent county formed in the state, in the year 1981.
Consistent with 2010 United States Census information, the population of New Mexico was 1,819,046. Among the counties of the New Mexico State, the most populous county is the Bernalillo County with the population of 662,564, and the Harding County is ranked as the least populous county with the population of 695.
As of 2010, there are five State Electoral Votes in New Mexico. The State Quarter issue Date of New Mexico is April 7, 2008. The state motto of New Mexico is “It grows as it goes“.
Land of Enchantment is the nickname of the state of New Mexico. The name of the state bird of New Mexico is the Roadrunner. Pinyon Pine is the state tree of New Mexico, and the Yucca flower is the state flower. Santa Fe City is the state capital of New Mexico. The Albuquerque City is the biggest of all cities in New Mexico by population, and the same city ranks first in total land area, too. The Acoma Pueblo and Taos Pueblo city is the oldest city in New Mexico. The New Mexico State is served by a single area code, such as 505.