Japanese Wobbegong Shark
Category: Shark

Facts about Japanese Wobbegong Sharks, "Scientific name for Japanese Wobbegong Shark is Orectolobus japonicus". The Japanese Wobbegong is a breed of shark that belongs to the Orectolobidae family of the carpet shark breed. The compacted Japanese Wobbegong Shark, is a funny looking breed that are largely found in the hot western Pacific Ocean from Korea and Japan to the Philippines and Viet Nam.
The Japanese Wobbegong Shark is a bottom inhabitant breed that prefers sandy or stony surfaces and coral reefs, the substrates that complement its mysterious coloration. The Japanese Wobbegong Shark breeds can be largely found from the intertidal region to the deepness of 656 feet (200 m).
Appearance of Japanese Wobbegong Shark
Other characteristics contribute to the odd appearance of the Japanese Wobbegong Shark breed. The breed appears with spiracles, which are the modified gill slits that assist the shark to breathe. These spiracles are bigger than their eyes. There are as well, elongated, fleshy protrusions around the Japanese Wobbegong Sharks nostrils and mouth that are considered to help in feeding.
These Japanese Wobbegong shark breeds have several adaptations for continuing camouflaged. Besides their color and shape, the Japanese Wobbegong Shark breeds have a wide, flattened head. There are usually five to six skin developments that protrude on the sides of their head, underneath and opposite to the eyes. The dermal lobes obscure the outline of the body when the Japanese Wobbegong Sharks are resting on the bottom of the sea.
Features of Japanese Wobbegong Shark
Similar to its family affiliates, this Japanese Wobbegong Shark has the body form and color outline that are absolutely tailored for hiding in the sea ground. The skin of the Japanese Wobbegong Shark breed is light with a pattern of stripes and darker saddle dots. A fully grown Japanese Wobbegong attains a maximum body length of up to 3 feet (0.91 meters) long and weigh 40 to 50 pounds (18.14 to 22.67 kg).
Diet of Japanese Wobbegong Shark
Japanese Wobbegong shark breeds feed on fish and invertebrates that exist on the bottom of the ocean. The Japanese Wobbegong Shark breeds as well, consume shark egg cases and skates.
Reproduction of Japanese Wobbegong Shark
These Japanese Wobbegong Shark breeds are ovoviviparous, and after the gestation period of 12 months, the females offer birth to a maximum of 20 pups in a litter. These pups have a body length of 7 7/8 inches (20 cm).
There are over 400 types of sharks, Sharks have the most powerful jaws on on earth. Japanese Wobbegong Sharks jaws, both the upper and lower jaws move. Japanese Wobbegong Sharks skin is made of denticles instead of scales like other fish. The denticles are constructed like hard, sharp teeth (tooth-like projection) and this helps to protect the Japanese Wobbegong Shark from being injury. The Japanese Wobbegong Shark is carnivores meaning: an animal that feeds on flesh (Meat). "Scientific name for Shark Selachimorpha"
"Fear of Sharks Selachophobia".