Black Hawk Eagle Bird
Category: Eagles-Hawks-Kites

Facts about Black Hawk Eagle bird. "Scientific name for Black Hawk Eagle bird is Spizaetus tyrannus". The Black Hawk Eagle is a hawk which belongs to a family of birds of prey known as the Accipitridae. The common black hawk a subspecies known as the mangrove black hawk although it has been considered traditionally a distinct bird species. The family includes the Old World vultures, eagles and the hawks and lately it also accommodated the Cuban black hawk as its subspecies. In 2015 IUCN Red List of Black Hawk Eagle as a Threatened Species.
Features of the Black Hawk Eagle
The adult juveniles of The Black Hawk Eagle birds measures approximately 16 to 21 inches (40.6 to 53.3 cm) in length with average weights of about 32.8 ounces (930 grams). The Black Hawk Eagle bird has extended wings with the whole body covered in dark-grey or black coloration. It also has some dark brown spots on its body. Black Hawk Eagle birds wings are broad enough ranging between 26 and 40 inches (66 to 101.6 cm) in length. The wings also have some bright gold-brownish plumage around the neck area. Underneath the tail and wing are some grey coloration.
The Black Hawk Eagle bird also has a brief tail, which is black in color with a distinguished broad white strip and a whitish tip. The Black Hawk Eagle bird’s bills have a black coloration with the cere and the legs being yellow in color. Mostly, The Adult Black Hawk Eagle birds simulates the zone-tailed hawks. However, they do have spaced white bars on their tail. In addition, they are large-sized. Both the male and the female Black Hawk Eagle birds have similar characteristic.
However, immature Black Hawk Eagle birds show a different body coloration, which includes having a dark brown color on the outer surface with a blonde to white color underneath and dark blotches, streaks and spotting. The tail is banded in black and white. The Black Hawk Eagle bird feeds mostly on crabs although it can also feed on eggs and small vertebrates.
Diet of the Black Hawk Eagle
The Black Hawk Eagle pray on a variety of animals, including toucans, chachalacas birds, macaws birds, opossums, squirrels, monkeys and reptiles such as lizards and snakes.
Region of the Black Hawk Eagle
The Black Hawk Eagle bird is a coastal breeding bird which originates from the warmer regions and the mangrove swamps, adjacent dry open woodland and estuaries including the areas of the north-western Arizona, Mexico , parts of America, Mexico, extending towards Central America, Lesser Antilles, Venezuela, Southwestern United States Peru and Trinidad. There are approximately 25,000-50,000
Habitat and migration of the Black Hawk Eagle
The Black Hawk Eagle bird species is apparently very rare. It is not well known globally and throughout its rather extensive range. Most of those who have studied it say that its conservation requirements and status are badly in need of further clarification. Additionally, it is said that the Black Hawk Eagle bird may suffer from loss of habitat and is also a subject of hunting.
The Black Hawk Eagles lives in thick and forest edges, open forest, lowland in the "Neotropical zone" (each spring, more than 150 species of Neotropical birds migrate from their Central and South American homes to make their way to North America to make nests and have their young.